Chapter 2

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Reji POV

"Nuri....wake up" I said while looking at her figure curled up under a thin blanket which barely covered her, her knees pulled towards her chest. Her face looked calm, almost making me feel calm.

"Nuri!" I called out again louder, feeling annoyed. When she didn't respond, I grabbed her shoulder roughly. Her eyes shot open and I was pulled on the bed while she was on top of me. Her fragile looking hands held mine surprisingly strongly. Her face looked panicked before going back to its normal soft look when our eyes met. Those icy blue eyes stared down at me as she loosed her grip hesitantly "sorry.....". I smirk and say, "that little show of strength was impressive....but don't forget who's in-charge here".

I grab her hands and flip our positions. She gasped but chuckled, "as you say Reji-san". Satisfied with her choice of words, I lowered myself to sniff her neck, her sweet scent filling my nostrils, the sound of her blood rushing through her veins tempting. She tilted her face while I brushed a few strands of hair away from her neck. I lick a spot above her collarbone before sinking my fangs into her soft skin. The taste of her blood made me moan in pleasure while she whined softly. Her heart started pumping faster making me smirk and continue to suck the sweet crimson liquid.


I pulled away when I heard her voice. I licked my fangs and whispered, "your's like nothing I've tasted before...". I caressed the spot where I bit her, the wound already healed but a faint mark remained. "It's a shame that I can't have the satisfaction of seeing the bleeding wound".

She giggled and looked at me, "I can't do anything about that. Now, why are you here?" I get off the bed and fix my clothes, "get ready quickly, we're leaving for school in 15 minutes". I left after she nodded and got out of the bed.

Nuri POV

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I brushed my hair and decided to braid on the way to school. I rush to the kitchen and grab an apple before walking out towards the limo. As I got inside, the triplets were messing with Yui, Reji was reading a book, Subaru was sitting with a frown and Shu was sitting with his eyes closed. I sigh and sit between Shu and Subaru. The triplets looked at me, "Hello Kitten-chan~" Laito said making me cringe. "Kitten...... Do I look like a kitten to you?!?" I pouted and he just chuckled. I look away from him and start to braid my knee length white hair. Subaru glanced at me and I smiled, "what?". He looked away and just did a 'tsch'. "So rude...." I mumble and continue to make a braid.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder after I was done braiding, intentionally hitting Subaru's face. He growled and held me by my throat before pulling me on his lap. I shot a glare at Laito and Ayato who were holding in their laughter. I looked at Subaru as he glared at me, "how dare you". My face was turning red as I tried to speak but only gasped for air.

"Subaru. Take such things to your room" Reji spoke and Subaru loosened his hold. I gasp for air and cough, "I apologise Subaru-kun.... I won't do it again". I saw his gaze soften slightly before moving to my neck. I smile and say, "I will accept your punishment". He left me and I got back to my place. Why is this ride so long..... I yawn, starting to doze off. I didn't realise when I fell on Shu's shoulder. I heard him grunt but didn't move, finding it comfortable on his shoulder.


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