Chapter 6

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Reji Pov

I scowl as we all stand in front of the limo except for Nuri. I look at Kanato and say, "she was with you making sweets. Where is she!?" He shrugged and looked at his teddy, "we saw her go to her room after that". I don't say anything and teleport myself to her room.

"Nuri get-" I pause when I see her body completely reddish, a layer of sweat covered her and the thin fabric of her gown was sticking to her body, completely drenched. Her lips were apart and she took deep breaths. I quickly walk towards her and touch her forehead just to pull my hand back due to the extreme temperature. "Nuri!" I pat her cheeks with a frown. She opened her eyes weakly and looked at me, "cold.....water". I pick her up and rush to the bathroom. Placing her in the tub, I turn on the cold water and let the tub fill up.

"What happened?" I heard Shu say as he stood by the door. I look at him over my shoulder then at Nuri before saying, "I don't know. You all go without me. I'll stay with her". He nodded and went away. Nuri was still struggling to breathe properly. I go to the kitchen and grab all the trays of ice cubes. I take one and drop the rest in the tub. I take the ice cube and glide it over her forehead. I saw her immediately relax and unknowingly I smiled a bit. I slide the ice cube from her forehead to her cheeks then down her neck, stopping just above her cleavage.

I clear my throat and pull back my hand, "feeling better?" I asked and she just nodded before giving me a weak smile. Soon the cold water got warm. I pick her up and place her on the counter before taking her towel and drying off her face and her hands. I stop at her dress and look at her, "may I?". Once she nodded, I lifted the dress off her shoulder and dropped it to the floor.

Trying not to stare, I dry off her whole body and take her to the bed. After placing her on the bed, I was about to step back but was pulled on the bed. She sat on my hips and looked down at me with a seductive expression. I narrowed my eyes at her as she took off my tie and started to unbutton my shirt. "What are you doing?" I scowl and hold her hands but she glared at me and slapped away my hands. Once she had undone all the buttons she tugged on the shirt and coat with a pout. I slowly lean up and take off my shirt and coat, leaving my chest exposed to her.

She smiles and slides her hands from my neck to my torso before sliding down and laying on top of me. She moaned and smiled, taking my hands and wrapping it around herself. I stiffen up but don't move my hands from around her. Instead I just tighten my hold.

"Your's so nice and cool" she giggled and snuggled more. I sigh and rub her back gently.

This girl.....what is she doing to I can't be caring about a livestock now....

Soon enough she fell asleep and her body was much cooler than before. My fingers were tangled in her long thick hair while I was staring up at the ceiling. My body was warm but not too much, enough for Nuri to still feel cool.

Nuri's POV

I shift in my sleep and groan when I feel something hard under me. I open my eyes and look up to see Reji sleeping peacefully with his hands wrapped around me. My eyes widen and I look down to see that I was completely naked. I squeal and get off him, pulling the blanket around me and glaring at him, "what are you......" I quite down as I realised I was the one who got us in that situation. Luckily he woke up but didn't say anything, "I didn't do anything bad" he said and smirked, "I have to say though. You have a nice body". I blush and throw a pillow at his face, "don't give me that look!" For the first time, I heard him chuckle as he got out of bed.

I look at him with wide eyes and smile, "thank you Reji-san..... I....I'm in heat". He nodded and took his shirt, "I guessed that." My smile widens and I hold his hand, looking up at him with a soft gaze, "I'm hungry and.....stay with me. I mean....skinship helps my body during heat" He nodded and I left his hand with a wide smile. He took his coat and walked out of the room. I take the blanket off me and go to my cupboard, taking out silk shorts and a tank top.

I go downstairs and find Reji in the kitchen standing by the counter just in his shirt and pants, his top few buttons undone. I giggle and hug him from behind, "at least there's one benefit of being around a vampire". "Get off me now" he said but didn't shrug me off so I just stayed like that. "Hah I'm proud of myself for breaking the walls you created around yourself". He turned around and went to the table, placing a mug of cold coffee on it and sitting on a chair, "care to elaborate?"

I smile and sit beside him, "this...whatever project your father is doing, if I turn out to be the Eve.....I don't want to spend my whole life with someone who just sees me as a blood bag. I'm not just a blood bag or a livestock you guys can feed from. I'm the heir of the throne in our kingdom. My people have high expectations from me and my younger brother. In the future, I would want to marry someone who is capable of sharing my responsibilities. If it's one of you...then our wedding would also tie two kingdoms together. I'm glad I was able to see the real you....even if just for a while"

He looked at me intently for a while before looking away, "agreed. Being the vampire king and also ruling over the weredragon kingdom sounds tempting" I slap his arm and chuckle, "don't say that. It may sound tempting but it would be hard to win me over" I wink at him and get up "let's go to the couch or my bed, I feel hot again". He rolled his eyes but followed after me and did as I said, making me sit on his lap on the couch and wrapping his arms around me but not before unbuttoning his shirt.


How was it?!?!?

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