Chapter 5

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Nuri POV

I bite my lips as I slowly make my way inside the gates, trying to be as quiet as possible. While walking through the garden, I stop when I feel someone's presence. I slowly turn around to see an angry Subaru. I give him a sweet smile and say, "hello Subaru-kun. How are you doing?"

He scowled and stepped towards me and I immediately stepped back, "that's what you say after disappearing like that. I thought Kanato turned you into a wax figure or something". My eyes soften as I step towards him this time, "are you saying you were worried about me?" His eyes widened and he looked away, "of course not! Why would I be worried about you".

I giggle and kiss his cheek before walking off towards the mansion. As soon as I entered, I was swept off my legs and carried to the living room by Laito, "fufu~ I thought Kitten-chan left us". I roll my eyes and wiggle out of his arms almost falling to the floor. "I couldn't, even if I wanted to" I say and sit on the couch. Reji appeared in front of me and adjusted his glasses before saying, "where were you?"

"I went home" I said hesitantly and gave him a small smile, "but I'm here now. Next time I'll make sure to tell you before going". He scowled and stepped closer, "there's no next time. You aren't allowed to leave the house on your own". I pout but nod, "okay Reji-san"

He nodded and disappeared while I just sat there with an angry pout. I look back when I feel Subaru's breath against my neck. I shiver slightly when I see the look of hunger in his eyes, "are you ready for your punishment?" He asked with a small smirk.

I nod and slide my hair away from that side. He held my wrist and pulled me to my feet before teleporting us to the garden. I scowl at him, "was the couch uncomfortable?". He glared at me and pinned me to a tree, "shut up". I wince when his fangs aggressively pierced my neck, "calm down...Subaru" My words just seemed to make him bite harder the second time. I bite my lips and try to push him off.

Subconsciously, my fingers turned into dagger like claws and scratched his wrist. I gasp when he pulls away and glares at me then at my hands, "sorry..... It just happened". I was about to make my hand go back to normal but he held them and caressed my claws. My eyes widened at his soft touch. I giggle and pull away my hand gently, "you're not as bad as you portray yourself Subaru-kun". He narrows his eyes at me and steps back but I smirk and step towards him. "A little potion of love mixed with happiness and care will bring out the real you....." I whisper and trace his jawline then slowly move finger down to his neck, tugging at his necklace and pulling him closer, "not bad not bad".

He roughly pushed my hand and teleported away. I sigh and sit down with my back against the tree. These guys seem nice, they just need someone to love them. They're six brothers yet they look lonely. The triplets have taken a special liking to Yui but the other three...... They're hard to understand. I look up at the stars and smile, "maybe my stay here isn't so bad".

If I remember correctly, the vampire king has four adopted sons too. Are they not involved in this so called project?

I huff and stretch my legs, I would soon have my heat. I don't want these vampires to see me in that state. Should I leave the house? Reji said I'm not allowed. But again, he's not my boss. But father will scold me for being a brat. I whine and slump down, I hope I don't end up getting sexual with any of them during those three days. Damn....what am I supposed to do!


Hello reader, I apologise for the late update. Next chapter will be a nice romantic one with a character of your choice. As I've said before, I won't do much scene with the triplets so only the other three are an option. Sorry!
1) Shu
2) Reji
3) Subaru
Do vote!

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