~Chapter 3~

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You should totally check out Pining snd Denying if you like goldric. Best decision I ever made. Only five chapters, but perfect grammar and many words. Not to mention, the characters felt exactly out of the series and not out of character!

Hunter let out a small sob and squeezed his knees closer to his chest.

If he'd just... gone with Luz and mom, there was a good chance his dad would be alive...

It was... his fault.

He killed his dad.

Unintentionally, yes, but nonetheless the same.

"Stupid stupid stupid."

He hit his head against the stall door and stayed slumped in that position.

"I think otherwise, and I'm always right." A voice replied.

"E-edric?" Hunter stammered panicking. "What are you doing here- how much did you hear-"

"Enough to know you think you're stupid." He said quietly.

Hutner slowly opened the door, and Edric shuffled in and looked at his puffy red eyes with sympathy.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.



Luz rushed out the building the second the bell rang.

School wasn't as exciting and fun as she imagined.

Three people she didn't even know that well hated her for no reason.

The pink haired girl, the blonde cheerleader, and Amity.

Amity Blight...

It was just their luck to be selected to be each other's partners for the science project.

Just. Their. Luck.

Luz shook her head and scanned the crowd. She spotted Amity talking to the pink haired girl.

Figures. Luz thought.

She continued looking for Hunter and nearly gave up when she finally spotted him.

He was with two people, a girl and a guy with dark green hair.

The girl shoved the guy and nudged him while saying something to Hunter and Hunter snapped something back and gestured at someone in the crowd.

The girl visibly turned red and smacked Hunter's head.

Luz sucked in a breath and waited for Hunter to slap her into oblivion, but it never happened.

He just laughed.

Luz grinned and made her way towards them.

"HelLO, Hunter." She said and slung and arm around him casually. He jumped and spun around.

"Oh hey LUz." He said, and his voice cracked.

The two other students, twins, Ljz realized, snickered. "How cute." The girl said with a smug grin.

"Very cute." The guy echoed, winking at Hunter.

His ears went down in embarrassment and he looked away.

"So, who's she?" The guy asked, glancing at Luz.

"His sister." Luz replied with a smile. "Luz Noceda."

"I see where you got your looks from, Luz." The guy continued, and gave Hunter a grin again.

"Come on Luz, we can go home." Hunter huffed, shoving the twins on purpose before leaving.

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