~Chapter 2~

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I was speed reading ChrysDoesGay's second book of Human Amity x Witch Luz and although I love it and am still reading, why does Hunter gotta be so mean TwT i haven't finished yet so smth else might of happened but still i cry.

"What's first..." Luz muttered to herself as she examined her schedule.

She was so deep in thought that she bumped into someone and stumbled back.

She looked up, startled. "My bad-" Luz started-

"Yeah, your bad." The girl snarled back.

Luz frowned.

The girl was, what, Luz's age? Barely taller than her, and had pink dyed hair.

Seems like a brat... and is a brat.

"That's what I said." Luz said slowly.

"Oh my gosh you are literally a waste of air, just go somewhere else why don't cha?"

Luz rolled her eyes and stomped away angrily.

What a way to start her day.

She knew spells, she still had books under her bed to teach her every single subject there was.

She could make that girl sorry in a snap of her fingers, but she had a reputation to uphold.

So she sighed, and left to her first class.


Hunter looked up, startled, as he met two teenagers his age leaning in front of him and grinning.

One a boy with fluffy hair, the other a girl with hers in a long braid.

Both with golden eyes and forest green hair.

"Hey cutie, you new here?" The girl asked with a small chuckle.

Hunter blinked and stepped back. "Uh.. yes..?" He said cautiously.

The sudden attention wasn't his favourite.

"Do you have a tour guide, or should we take that job?" The boy asked, leaning in closer.

Hunter flushed nervously. "Uh, I guEss.."

His voice cracked and he cringed. Most of them were due to rarely speaking, but the deeper voice spell Luz put on him also glitched sometimes, causing his voice to go higher and lower.

"Mm, cute." The boy muttered.

"I beg your pardon?" Hunter asked.

"Hm? Oh nothing." He said, seemingly flustered. "I just find your voice cute." He said simply with a smug grin.


Emira glanced at her twin brother with a confused frown.

He was normally the bigger flirt from the two of them and was bold with his words, but he seemed to have hesitated before speaking his opinion to the new kid.

Like he was... intimidated? Nervous?

Edric never had a problem with openly flirting, so Emira definitely had to ask him about it later.

As for now, she and Edric were gonna charm the kid up.

He seemed to have quite the rough exterior though. Still cute.

Fluffy blond hair, magenta eyes, some... scar... she'd have to ask about it later. The weirdest part was that his ears were pointy, like an elf.

It was a rare genetic so Emira assumed it was that.

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