~Chapter 5~

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After the wall home, Amity went up, but directly to the twins room.

"Em, Ed." She said.

"What's up Mittens?" Edric asked, looking at his phone.

Amity bit her lip. She was about to rant about the little nickname they made her, but chose otherwise.

"I... I think I want to dye my hair." Amity breathed.

Emira and Edric immediately shot up and glanced at her.

"But Mom-"

"I don't care about what she thinks." Amity said. "I don't... I don't like always following her rules. It's fun being the top student, but I... I just wanted to make my own choice this one time."

Emira clicked her tongue and rummaged through her drawer. "What colour do you want, Mittens?"

Amity smiled slightly. "I was thinking like a lavender colour." She said, scratching her neck nervously.

"Is this good enough for you?" Emira pulled out a light purple colour. It was a little more pink than lavender, but it was still lavender.

"It's perfect. Thanks guys." Amity mumbled.

She made her way across the room and sat on the chair next to Emira's vanity table and tapped her hands on her lap nervously.

Edric made his way over. "Why lavender?" He asked.

"I.. uh..." Amity mumbled. "It's just pretty that's all."

He shrugged and placed a safety apron over her shoulders. Emira walked over with the hair dye and knelt behind Amity.

"Okay, are you ready?"



Luz's house during the project

Luz: I hate how people are so hard to read.

Amity: hm, what do you mean?

Luz: Like, this one girl comes up to me during math and flirts with me. Flirt back and she tells me she's straight. Like, what.

Amity: ...huh..

Amity on google: what's the gayest colour



"Mm?" Hunter turned around to face Luz.

"I.... uhhhhhhhhhhhaveaquestion."

"Yeah what?" Hunter said, before glancing at his phone and snickering.

"What's so funny?" Luz bent over to see, but Hunter quickly shoved his phone away.

"WHAT'S THE QUESTION?" He asked loudly with a nervous chuckle.

"Hm." Luz said, glancing at his phone before looking back at him. "If one... had a crush on someone who hated her, what would she do?"

"I don't know, Luz. What would you do now that you've realized you like Amity."

Luz smacked him.

"THAT WAS A HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION." She screeched, blushing.

Hunter just laughed and leaned back on the couch. "Well, I can't help you unless you tell me." He said with a shrug.

"...Fine, say I did like Amity. HYPOTHETICALLY." Luz growled. "What would I do?"

Hunter grinned. "Well, you'd want to find out if she's into girls first. And don't make her uncomfortable by flirting freely like Edric and Emira."

Luz raised an eyebrow. He sure mentioned the twins often...

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