~Chapter 9~

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Amity and Luz finally finished up their project, and so the Blights went to go.

Amity called the twins and they came up, but they were in some sort of dazed state...

Especially Edric.

"Wanna get McDonald's?" Emira asked while tossing her car keys in the air before catching it.

"We're still grounded, Em." Amity retorted. "You two are lucky enough you got to even come with me."

"Lucky?" Emira scoffed.

"Well, yeah, you got to hang out with... what's his name?"

"Hunter." Emira said.

"Exactly. Isn't that a good thing?"

Emira glanced at Edric. "Good is an understatement." She said with a small laugh.

Edric shook his head and glanced at his sisters. "Huh?" He asked.

"Nothing, just telling Mittens about what-"

"JEBEJAIOXNDRJRI!" Edric screamed and slapped Emira's mouth shut.

What happens in the basement, stays in the basement.


Hunter walked up the basement steps and directly into his room.

He sighed loudly and flopped face first onto his bed.

"AHA!" Luz shouted in triumph out of nowhere.

Hinter shrieked and rolled off his bed before shooting up and glaring at Luz. "What was that for?" He snapped.

Luz just grinned and stepped out of the closet.


"I knew something was up, why else are you so moody?"

"Uh, cramps?" He said it was obvious.

"No. It has to be something else!" Luz declared. "Because the twins seemed kinda strange too."

Hunter's eyes widened and his ears went up while reddening.


"NOTHING, LUZ, STOP!" Hunter yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

It slapped onto the ground an embarrassing inch away from his bed, which was across the closet.

Luz snickered. "You better tell me what's happened."

"And why should I?" He huffed. "Get out."

"Not until you tell me!"

Hunter made a spell circle. "You're SO asking for it."

Luz shrieked and fled.

She peeked back into the doorframe a second later. "But I'm gonna find out one way or another." Luz said.

She ran back to her own room before an abomination axe flew her way.


"Wow, you guys are pretty good!" Hunter said, surprised.

"What? We cant hold a candle to you, Blondie." Edric retorted.

Hunter tried to ignore the way he felt when Edric used that nickname. "For beginners, you guys are super good." Hunter said.

The twins grin and kept training.

"You should join us Blondie!" Emira suggested. "Us, the jobs versus you." She said.

"You want to spar?" Hunter asked, confused.

Emira nodded, and so it began.

At one point, Emira was getting annoyed from the tension so she purposefully stuck her foot out.

Hunter tripped over it and was about to crash into the wall behind them back first when Edric's adrenaline kicked in and he caught Hunter just in time.

Emira nearly laughed.

Hunter was bent backwards, barely kept from sliding by Edric, who was leaning over him.

One of Edric's hands were pressed against the wall and the other was supporting Hunter's weight.

To be short, they looked like they were about to kiss.

Super short chapter this time but anyways... this is what happened at the basement, I decided to be nice and let you readers be able to know what happened.

Comment what you thought

Q: What character do you relate to the most in ToH (it's so weird ik but I'm running outta questions)

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