Part 6

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"Helmet, please." Zoey holds her hand out.

"You're not worried about messing up your hair?" I unsnap a saddle bag and pull out the half helmet I barely ever bother with.

Her lips twist to the side in a grimace. "I'm betting a skull fracture would do a hell of a lot more to mess with my side part."

Before she can take the head-protection from me, I'm already settling it in place, enjoying the silky brush of her hair against my fingertips as I go to snap the buckle. After tightening the chinstrap, I slide a finger in between the strap and her chin, noticing the flutter of her pulse.

I can't pass up any opportunity to touch her. Still, I don't linger. If I come on as strong as my instincts clamor to, I might scare her away.

Slow and steady. Let her come to me.

I step to my bike, about to throw a leg over, when Zoey's hand on my arm stops me.

"Where's yours?"

"My what?"

She gives me an Are you trying to be dense? look. "Your helmet."

"I'm good," I flash her my most confident smile. My 'lady catching' smile, as my sister dubbed it.

Must be losing my touch because Zoey crosses her arms and glares at me.

"No. Anyone riding a motorcycle should be wearing a helmet."

Sure. Any human should wear one, I want to say.

But I keep that distinction to myself.

"Really. It's okay. I ride without one all the time."

If I thought she was glaring before, it's nothing compared to the intense smolder that furrows her brows. Zoey steps forward, placing a hand flat on my chest, almost in a caress. Then she fists my shirt and drags me close.

"Put on a helmet. Now." Her growl is impressive for a human.


"Warner. I swear to whatever biker gods you pray to, if you do not wear a helmet, I will find a way to superglue one to your head." She gives another tug, rising on her tiptoes to get in my face, voice dropping low with menace. "And trust me when I say, however much superglue you think I have"—her fierce eyes scorch—"you are underestimating."

That last threat sounded like she was spelling out how she planned on murdering me.

In my entire life,I've never wanted to kiss a woman as badly as I do Zoey Gunner in this moment.

*Author note: When people find out I'm a writer, they often ask if I base any of my characters on myself. The answer: no way! If I did, these stories would be a lot more boring ... BUT sometimes I give my characters opinions that I share. Hence, Zoey's adamance about helmet safety. Wear a helmet! On motorcycles and on bicycles!!! Your brain is a glorious thing and should be protected (even if you're as tough as a werewolf).

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