Part 86

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Zoey glances up at me, confusion twisting her brows. She has no idea that her mother just demanded to fight a werewolf.

Selena Gunner has no fear.

"Selena—" Uncle Mason starts, but the woman won't be censured.

"You know the rules." Zoey's mom jabs a finger toward mine. "Time and place. Name them."

"Do you see this idiocy!" Mom stares at Roderick, even as she waves toward Selena. "This is what comes of wolves and humans associating. They think they know our ways. That they can be one of us."

"I could give a damn about being one of you," Selena hisses. "But I sure as hell know I want to kick your ass. Especially"—the woman glares around at every single one of us, her eyes burning into mine last—"since no one else is willing to protect my daughter from Rebecca's ridiculous vendetta."

Shame spikes hard through me. Here I am, hoping to bring Zoey into my world, trying to convince her to be my mate, all while my own mother puts the woman I love in danger. Maybe her actions were born of some warped sense of protection, but that doesn't excuse them.

"No," Roderick's voice rings clear, cutting through the night. "You are not a wolf. You cannot give challenge."

A frustrated, strangled shriek comes out of Selena's throat.

This is not how I wanted my first interaction with Zoey's mom to go.

Suddenly, the woman stops struggling in Mason's hold. The switch in energy level is eerie, and I worry she hurt herself in some way. Selena stands still, and strangely, it almost looks as if Mason is embracing her, rather than restraining.

I wonder if this is torture for him. To have the woman he loved in his arms, but to not really have her.

"Zoey," Selena says. My woman turns to face her mother, clearly struggling to understand what she's missing. Selena speaks in a steady voice, her gaze locked on her daughter's eyes. "If you stay here, Rebecca will hurt you."

I tighten my arms, realizing what's happening.


Selena cuts her daughter off. "They have different rules than humans. She thinks I wronged the pack. She thinks she deserves retribution. And unless someone makes her back down, she'll keep taking her anger out on you." The steady cadence of her voice cracks on that last word.

My head shakes in denial as I pull Zoey into my chest. I'll never let anyone hurt her. She's mine to keep safe.

Then I see my mother, standing rigid with her arms crossed, glaring at Zoey's mom. And I recognize the truth in the woman's words.

Without a challenge, without a punishment, she'll be free to continue tormenting Zoey. Maybe she was telling the truth when she said she never meant to hurt her. But she did. She hurt the woman I love. And she could easily do it again.

"Are you saying I should leave?" Zoey whispers the question, but everyone can hear it. Selena shuts her eyes, as if pained, reacting to the devastation in her daughter's words. And across the way, my mother smirks, as if everything she said about the Gunner women was true.

A red rage clouds my vision, and I turn my body, shielding Zoey from the toxic resentment. Then, shocking everyone in the alley, I let my furious growl tear from my throat, aiming a disgusted glare at my mother.

The woman so bent on driving away what she views as dangerous that she would crush my happiness in the process.

And she flinches from me, eyes wide in shock.

But Zoey doesn't cringe away. Instead, she turns in my hold, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist. Her gentle hands stroke my back as she mutters soothing noises. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving. I was just asking for clarification."

My heart clenches, but I keep my sight fixed on my mother, weighing my options. Every day Zoey stays in Pine Falls, will be a day her safety is at risk. I can't be with her every second to fight off subtle attacks or tricks. Even if I could, Zoey would hate it. The last thing she wants is an overprotective male shadowing every step she makes.

The other option is, I could challenge my mother.

Yet, even with anger raging through me, I can't envision laying a hand on the woman who raised me. Who loves me. The idea makes me sick.

Needing guidance, I look to Roderick.

He stares back, likely reading the torment on my face. Then he drags his eyes over the gathering, finally landing on our mother.

"You do not accept Zoey?"

The woman who claims to love us beyond anything else, stands taller under his gaze and nods. "I will never accept her. She does not belong in our pack. She does not deserve it."

Roderick doesn't betray a hint of emotion; he simply stares as if waiting to see if she has anything left to add. But she only gazes back with a level of arrogance that enrages me to the point I can't think of words. But I don't need to because Roderick always knows what to say.

"Your pride is more important than your son's happiness?" There's not a hint of emotion in his question, but she blanches as if he spat in her face.

"That's not . . . she won't make him happy!"

Roderick shakes his head, as if disappointed with her. So am I.

You always think your parents can do no wrong. But they aren't gods. They're humans.

Or werewolves, I guess.

"Warner has declared his intention to pursue Zoey as his mate. She is under the protection of the pack. Hurting her cannot go unpunished."

"Roderick, no!" Tanya steps forward. My normally opinionated sister has been quiet up to this moment, hanging back in the shadows with Isaac as they watched the drama of my life unfold. Now she's probably thinking that Roderick plans to challenge Mom himself. That she's about to witness a fight between her mother and her oldest brother. "You don't have to punish her. Mom will apologize. She just . . . she just didn't know Zoey was going to be pack. She didn't know Warner loved her. Right Mom? Just tell them you're sorry."

My heart breaks for my little sister as she stares pleadingly at our mother.

But Rebecca Jameson is nothing if not stubborn. The muscle in her jaw stands rigid as she keeps quiet.

Roderick was right. Her pride is more important than my happiness. She can't separate Zoey from Selena.

And I have a choice to make.

I thought the solution to all my problems was having Zoey stay in Pine Falls with me. That my life would be complete. Everything would be perfect.

But that won't be the case with my mother here.

The obvious option is my original plan, moving to Denver. But that still leaves my mother unpunished. It means never returning to Pine Falls again because there is no way I would come back here without my mate.

Still, I know that no matter how furious I am with my mother, I cannot fathom the idea of fighting her.

My mind settles on the only option left. The idea of it eats away at me, makes me feel selfish.

In that moment, Zoey tightens her arms around my waist, and I glance down at her. There's a bruise on her forehead, scratches on her face, all from her fall. But despite how those must hurt, she still gazes up at me with trust. With love.

And I realize that I deserve to be selfish. My love for Zoey never hurt anyone, which means we're in the right. I glance toward my older brother, holding his eyes.


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