The Problem

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"No, mom! That's ridiculous...well I don't care, I don't need one...ugh, mom..."

Katniss sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair. She sat alone in the break room of The Hob, Panem's local department store, on the phone with her mother. They had been fighting- discussing, the younger woman's love life (or lack thereof) for the past half-hour. It was ridiculous, really; they'd had this conversation a million times before, yet each time it was as though the subject was only just being breached.

The situation was simple: her mother was concerned about her daughter having no significant other, and Katniss wasn't. She really didn't understand what the big deal was - there were plenty of women her age that didn't have boyfriends, and they were doing just fine. And she was one of those people. Either way, the current conversation they were having was headed absolutely nowhere, and she had to do something fast. Best to stop it now before it was too late.

"You're twenty-one years old, Katniss, and you've never had a boyfriend...I just don't want you to end up alone," her mother said, concerned voice entering Katniss' ears.

The brunette sighed. "I know, mom...Uh, look, my break's over. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

A sigh came from the other end of the line. "Okay. Just don't forget to come to dinner tomorrow. Goodbye, Katniss. I love you."

"Love you."


Putting her phone away, Katniss rested her head on the table and heaved a giant, groaning sigh. Good Lord...Why did it have to be her with the overbearing mother?

Slumping defeatedly in her place on the bench seat, Katniss began to express her frustrations by banging her head repeatedly against the table's hard, pebbly surface.

Suddenly, a laugh rang out.

Her head shot up, spotting the source of the noise to be at The Hob's help desk, just beyond the break room.

Finnick Odair.

He was leaning casually against the counter, smiling in that annoyingly alluring way that he always did, talking - well, flirting - shamelessly with a woman she had never seen before, no doubt some innocent lamb that had wandered up to the help center for assistance with finding or returning something, completely unaware of what she was getting herself into.

Katniss inwardly groaned. That man was impossible. He was always making lewd and suggestive comments towards the women that worked and shopped here, herself included, and even though she knew it was meant to be taken as 'harmless flirting' (or whatever they were calling it these days) she wouldn't stand for it. It annoyed her to no end - he annoyed her to no end. He may have been her coworker, but that didn't mean she had to like him.

She wrinkled her face in disgust at the scene before her, about to get up and go back to work, when suddenly an idea came to her. Wait a minute. Finnick was the epitome of the perfect, superficial, stuck-up boyfriend cliché. If her mother wanted her to be 'involved' with someone so badly, then maybe, just maybe, she could-

No, her mind told her. You can't be serious. He's Finnick Odair - slacker and womanizer extraordinaire! He calls off work all the time, he never finishes what he starts (women included) and you're always having to cover his shifts for him. Trust me, he'd only make things worse for you. Don't do it.

She tried to listen to her head, her voice of reason, she really did - desperately wanted to, in fact - but the truth of the matter was that the longer she stared at him, the more she realized; for her intents and purposes, he was perfect.

And Katniss Everdeen would settle for no less.

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