The Confession

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It was February 13th, the day before Valentine's Day.

And Finnick Odair was not happy.

He had so many problems going through his mind lately that he didn't even know where to begin, but he did know one thing: pretty much all of them centered around the pessimistic brunette walking beside him. They'd been spending the entire day like this, window-shopping around the city and not buying anything. And not talking. Couldn't leave that out.

Ever since they'd gone to the movies, Katniss had been acting...strange. He knew it had something to do with the old couple they'd talked with on their way out, but he didn't understand why she felt the need to be so sour about anything they'd said. They were old people! Old people were sweet and wise and full of cool stories. There was no reason for her to be acting like that.

Finnick inwardly groaned.

He'd been beating himself up over her for the long had it been? A week? Two weeks? However long since they'd been to the movies. And now, as they passed by an outdoor vendor selling heart-shaped balloons and flowers for Valentine's Day, he suddenly decided that he was sick of it. He wasn't quite sure why, but the sight of those balloons sent him over the edge, and it was in that moment that he completely lost it. He stopped walking, turned on his heel to face Katniss, and snapped.

"Okay, that's it. I can't do this anymore."

Katniss halted her stride a few steps ahead of him, and her eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "Can't do what anymore?" She asked.

"This," he said, gesturing first between them and then to the countless Valentine's decorations. "All of this. I can't take it anymore!"

He swifty stepped forward and grabbed her by the arms, and she widened her eyes in panic as she tried to protest. "Woah, what is your problem?! What can't you take-"

"I love you," he said, looking at her earnestly.

She tried to speak, but he cut her off.


"I love you,"he said again, emphasizing each word. "And I wanna know if you love me too."

Katniss froze, utterly paralyzed, and her face turned white as a sheet as she stared at him, unaware of the passersby that were beginning to stare.

"I...I don't..."

"Don't what?" He pressed, desperate for some kind of answer.

She closed her mouth, not wanting to respond but knowing she had to."I...I'm sorry, Finnick, but...I...don't."

His heart dropped, but didn't plummet. If it were any other girl, he would've taken that as a final answer, but he knew Katniss, and Katniss was so deceptively neutral she didn't know her own feelings half the time. He still had a chance, she just needed some coaxing to get her to talk.

"What do you mean you don't?" He asked, moving his hands up to grip her shoulders.

She fumbled over herself before latching onto a coherent sentence. "I...wha- how do you- what do you mean 'what do I mean'? I don' you! It's simple, there's nothing else to it!"

Finnick let go of her, turning away and grabbing frustratingly at his hair. "God, you're stubborn!"

Katniss blinked rapidly behind him, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping open. "Wha- excuse me?"

"You heard me," he challenged, turning back to face her.

With her flaring anger, she was quick to take the bait. "What could I possibly have done to make you think that I liked you in any form?"

Significant Other: A Finniss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now