The Date

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Eventually Saturday did come, and Katniss awoke with an annoyed sigh when she realized what day it was.

It was January 31st, the day Finnick was supposed to take her out on a date.

She knew she didn't really have anything to worry about. She and Finnick were friends, dare she say it, and he wouldn't try anything to get her into his bed.

At least he better not, she grumbled mentally.

Katniss rolled out of bed, hearing a sudden honking like that of a horn blare close to her window. She was on the third floor of the apartment building, but it still sounded rather loud in her ears. Curious, she walked over and looked outside, eyes bulging at what she saw.

Finnick was standing proudly in the bed of his truck just outside her apartment building, holding a giant handmade sign with the words 'It's time for our date' written sloppily but charmingly across it.

She felt the need to hastily rub the sand from her eyes in hopes that it was a dream, but was disappointed to find that it was not. And she could only assume that the annoying blare of the car horn was his doing as well.

She almost opened the window to tell him that she wasn't coming down now, that it was forfeit, but she didn't want to embarrass herself any further by giving the onlooking strangers a face to associate with the stupid words scribbled across the giant cardboard sign.

She hurriedly got dressed and was downstairs in under two minutes.

She jogged out the door and onto the sidewalk, cold breath hitting her face as she went to meet Finnick.

He had put his sign down, by the Grace of God, and was now grinning at her like a maniac. A very annoying, very charming maniac, but a maniac nonetheless. She had half a mind to start slapping the living crap out of him, but the other half told her there were too many people around. Too many witnesses. She put her violent urges on the back-burner.

Finnick tossed the sign into his truck bed, jumping down and gesturing to her with open arms.

"There's my girl," he said endearingly.

She stopped just in front of him, face blank except for the small scowl on her lips.

"If you think I'm hugging you, you've got another thing coming."

Chuckling, he stepped forward and enclosed his arms around her stiff frame, holding on far longer than she would have liked. It was probably on purpose; he wanted to make her uncomfortable in front of the passing pedestrians, she just knew it.

"You ready?" He asked, finally releasing her.

She straightened out her coat. "Yeah..." she muttered, annoyed.

Eyes drifting downward, he reached out curiously and unzipped her coat a bit, eyebrows knit together in thought.

"You wore the cardigan," he said, pleasantly surprised.

She jerked the zipper back up. "You told me to wear it."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually listen," he said, eyes laughing in amusement.

She hid behind her scarf, breathing hotly to warm her freezing face.

"Whatever. Are we gonna do this, or are we gonna stand around here freezing?"

Grinning, Finnick stepped back and opened the door to his beat up red truck, waiting for her to get inside. Sighing, she stepped in, seating herself on the ridiculously bouncy seat, and he shut her inside.

Significant Other: A Finniss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now