The Need

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It had been nearly three weeks since the Black Friday incident, and Katniss and Finnick had hardly spoken to each other.

He couldn't help but think that maybe it was his fault (with the way he acted and everything) but then he realized that this was nothing new; they normally acted like this, not talking to each other and only working together because they had to. Still, he found himself constantly opening his mouth around her, only to close it shut when she looked at him like he was a stranger or he didn't have anything to say.

It was very weird like that over those few weeks, and with Christmas around the bend he couldn't deny the hopeful thinking that she would need him to tag along to another family event where they could talk again - enough with the stupid 'silent treatment' business.

Unfortunately with Katniss Everdeen, unless your name was Prim, one could only wonder when she would need you again, if ever.


"I need you again," Katniss said as she walked up to Finnick, who was taking a chilled burrito out of the break room's fridge.

Finnick stood up and feigned surprise, unwrapping his food. He had hoped she would say something like that. It was Christmas Eve, after all. She was cutting it rather close.

"Really?" He asked, amused. "And for what might that be?"

"Christmas." She replied, lip curling in disgust as she watched him eat.

Taking notice, he held the foil-wrapped morsel out to her. "Want a bite?"

She shook her head. "Ugh, no, I hate Mexican food."

He grinned, taking another bite.

"You know," he said after a while. "All this 'needing' business is really cutting into my free time..."

"What do you want?" She asked, crossing her arms as he closed the fridge.

"More money," he said simply, glad to have the witty banter he had missed so much back.

"How much?"

"Well, a job this size...I'd say, about...$400?"

"$400 for a few hours?!" She said disbelievingly.

Finnick chuckled. "Don't be silly, Katniss. That's on top of what you owe me."

"Extra?!" She exclaimed, jaw unhinging. "Where do you expect me to get $600?!"

"Hey, it's Christmas! The season of giving! You'll find a way." He patted her shoulder.

"And besides, it's not like I expect you to give it to me all at once. I'll accept payments."

"I don't think so!" She said brazenly. "I'll just find someone else for that much!"

She turned on her heel, braid snapping like a whip as she walked away.

"Fine. But how are you going to explain the sudden change of heart when your family knows we're so 'deeply in love'?" Finnick called to her, and she stopped.

"...I'll find a way," she said, but he knew by the uncertainty in her voice that he had her.

"Oh, I'm sure," he agreed, leaning against the fridge and taking another bite of his burrito. "But let's not forget that if you hire some other sap and he slips up - and believe me, he will - your beautiful little family is going to be so heartbroken and disappointed in you...they may never talk to you again-"

"Alright, I get it!" She snapped, turning around to face him.

Katniss walked back up to him, and for a moment he thought she might hit him, but instead, she balled her fists and said, "I want insurance."

He scoffed. "Pfft. Insurance? If the last two times we've done these little 'excursions' aren't insurance enough for you, I don't know what is."

"Whatever. Just give me your word that you'll be the absolute best that you can possibly be tomorrow."

"Katniss, if it's performance you're worried about, then don't worry; I'm healthy as a horse." Finnick winked and Katniss huffed, glaring at him in hatred.

He grinned right back.

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