Clean Slate

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I woke up to blinding white lights and to air so sterilised that it tingled in my nose. Whispers swirled in my head like they were tossed into the washer. I tried to open my eyes, but the light overhead was too strong. My eyes blinked back the light that hung over head. As my eyes adjusted slightly, the whispers (that weren’t really whispers at all) were growing louder and louder until all I could hear was yelling. I could hear people around me rushing by in rustley clothes. 

The hospital. Doctors were yelling for nurses and nurses were yelling for other nurses.

“How long has she been asleep?” Yelled one doctor over the ruckus.

“We need to wake her up!” Came a heavily accented voice.

“Someone make sure she hasn’t gone into a coma!” Yelled another doctor. The silhouette of a doctor in the overhanging light, lingered over me for a second then turned and yelled conclusively to the group, “She’s awake! She’s awake!”

Suddenly, there was a significant drop in noise. It seemed that half the people who were once crowded into my tiny room had decided that since the drama was over that it was time to go. If I tried to keep my eyes open for more than a few second then a searing pain flittered behind them causing me to blink rapidly.

The doctor returned and looked over me again. 

“Hello, sweetie.” Her voice was smooth and sweet as honey that seemed to hang in the air, dulling the harsh smell. “Can you hear me? Just nod if you can, sweetie.”

I nodded only slightly because every subtle movement felt like torture.

“Good, good. Well, I am Doctor Burnett. Do you remember what happened?”

I nodded my head, ever so slightly. 

“Well, your sister said that you got in a fight with your dad and somehow you fell down the stairs and got a concussion.” She paused and looked at me with concern. “Listen, if there is anything you want to tell me, about your dad or anything, you can.”

“I’m fine.” I crocked, understanding what she was getting at. “It was an accident.” My mouth was dry and I had a bad taste in the back of my throat.

She gave me a dubious look then asked me a few questions regarding my head and how I felt.  She paused again, then patted my arm sympathetically, “Well, the police are here, honey, and they want to talk to you about the ‘accident’.”

I could see two men standing outside my door in navy blue police uniforms, pacing impatiently. 

“I’m going to send them in, but if you need me I’ll be right outside. ‘Kay?” 

I nodded again, still eyeing the police.

Dr. Burnett left and said a few words to the police then send them into my room. Though I couldn’t see straight as I minded the police cautiously I could still see was their ever present handgun and the yellow taser. 

“My name is Daniel Park and this is my partner, Nick Duun.” Said the first one with the shadow of a goatee stub under his lip. “We are here to ask you about your father. Have you ever gotten in other fights with you dad?”

I would have reached for my scar but my wrist was bandaged, and I didn’t want to look as if I were making up a story to the police. So my hands remained at my side.

Officer Daniel Parker and Officer Nick Dunn asked me hundreds of times in hundreds of different ways if my father purposely threw me down the stairs. I denied it a hundred times over. When they finally given up their case (or so I thought) they left with a brusque ‘Thank you for your time’.

Dr. Burnett returned and checked up on me. She left and came back twice before I got note that I had visitors. Ally, Zoey, Clayton, and Fox all piled into my room. Ally ran up to my side and, in her convenient grace, managed to get both of her arms around me entirely. Letting out a quiet sob she uttered every apology possible for not being able to help me. I just waved them off. 

Zoey stood by the door wearing her stone hard face that, even in blinding light, made her look like a scorned goddess. I watched her in the corner of my eye as Clayton managed to give me a hug and use some big words that didn’t fail to make my head spin. Ally and Clayton began a whispered conversation in the chairs along the wall. Fox, who was still spiked with a slow burn, approached my cot with clenched fists. One of my sisters had apparently told him about my dilemma, either that or he suspected it all along.

“You okay, Fall?” He asked trying to take the edge off the anger in his voice. 

“Yeah, just a bump on the head.” I breathed a small laugh.

He gave a bit of a comforting smiled and then asked, “So, you gonna come with us or not?”

“I don’t think I can. My dad won’t let me, that’s for sure.” 

He discontinued, looking around at the diamond hard Zoey. He bit his lip then whispered, “They didn’t tell you, did they?”

“Tell me what?” I said a little bit too loudly. Clayton eyed Fox and Zoey’s eyes focused on me.

“Um...It was Zoey.” Fox said, feeling somewhat belittled.

“What was Zoey?” I asked confused looking from Fox to Zoey, then back again.

“I turned dad in, that’s what.” Zoey spoke with a firm commanding breath. She clamped down on her consonants making you wince. 

“But I told the police it was an accident.” I insisted.

“No. They took your word for it being an accident. I turned in him and his business. I told them everything. About how they skip over construction parodical and used uncertified materials. I gave them his suit case and his office number. I hope he rots in jail!” Her words grew harsher and slightly louder till a nurse poked her head in wondering what the yelling was about. 

The door closed and everyone was quiet. All eyes were on Zoey. All except for Ally who was looking down at her knees, probably trying to hold back tears. 

“Why?” I asked apprehensively.

She cast me a penetrating glance. “Shouldn’t you be happy?”

Shouldn’t I?         

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