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Ambition drapes you in an unsightly grace,
And hands tainted for decades untold.
Spirits withhold forgiveness, no anger's trace,
Colors, yet more gray, their myriad shades unfold.

Drifting toward the cascade's distant hum,
Blind to life's kaleidoscope hue.
Your utopia captured, held numb,
Man, can you not dream it, your life thus askew?

Shall you find yourself, wherever you roam,
Within utopia's embrace, lost in its might.
Does the wind truly gust, does it freely roam?
Or freeze like snowflakes in a winter's night?

Trading life for acclaim, a deadly game,
Worse still, praying for happiness's spell.
What's your purpose, your mission's name?
Was it the cost, the toll, you couldn't foretell?

To depart, to leave your utopia behind...

No more childish hopes, no refuge to seek,
Aliens hover above, both you and me.
Reality's shape, strange, so unique,
Your soul and the heavens, a dark blue sea.

From great heights, utopia persists,
Before you, life's terror lays bare.
Like shooting stars, you persist,
Treasure sought not in gold, but in care.

Shall you find yourself, wherever you roam,
Within utopia's embrace, lost in its might.
Does the wind truly gust, does it freely roam?
Or freeze like snowflakes in a winter's night?

Trading life for acclaim, a deadly game,
Worse still, praying for happiness's spell.
What's your purpose, your mission's name?
Was it the cost, the toll, you couldn't foretell?

To depart, to leave your utopia behind...

Behold the cornucopia's grandeur,
Tempest roars, tempest roars.
Yet, 'tis but utopia's lure,
Tempest roars, tempest roars.

Dry those tears, quell the tide,
Snow once frozen, now turns to flow.
Life's surprises, never to hide,
Snow once frozen, now begins to grow.

Acceptance beckons, truth takes flight,
A sole exception to history's tale.
Unasked questions, truth's foresight,
Apologies needed, to break free from the jail.

Depart, depart, forsake your utopia's trail...

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