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(Introduction in speak)
From the nexus
I arise, creation's dawn,
Where the universe unfurls, a secret drawn,
An opus whispered, hushed across the globe,
Mysteries in shadows, stories to probe...

Upon the road to hell, a lone domain,
A demon's footsteps, shunning light's disdain,
In this realm of shadows, we lose our way,
Amidst dark worlds, we falter, and sway.

You compel me to pray anew, like a rat,
Persisting, hoping, through every door and mat,
Defeat we shun, though lost we feel,
Within this whirlwind's vortex, surreal.

I'm from the nexus
The creation of the univers
The new opus on the world

From the nexus I come, universe's birth,
Opus unveiled, echoing its worth,
A life you've taken, a ruthless hand,
I sense the ocean's surge, relentless, grand.

Lives snuffed out, women, men, we're guilty too,
In a sea of emotions, a blazing hue,
Yet hope remains, to reshape our strife,
To salvage the world, to transform life.

I'm from the nexus
The creation of the univers
The new opus on the world

Kill or be killed, the predator's tale,
Devour or be devoured, a cyclic trail,
Do we dwell in shadows, an alternate plane,
Where darkness thrives, a perpetual bane?

I'm from the nexus
The creation of the univers
The new opus on the world

The new opus of the nexus...

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