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This is a love story (da da da)
This is the history (da da da)
Of the king and his bilan
And this king was authoritarian

He loves a girl who was (da da da)
Against the monarchy (da da da)
But the king loves this eras
And his dream is with acidity

He brandished his scepter with arrogance,
Imposing his will with no tolerance.
In his palace, he ruled as a despot,
A merciless tyrant, selfish and hot.

The young girl, with a revolutionary heart,
Rejected his reign and values torn apart.
She dreamed of a world free and fair,
Where love would triumph over despotic snare.

But the king, blinded by his ego so vast,
Saw only his grandeur, his kingdom amassed.
He stifled dissenting voices with might,
Suppressing any independent light.

His love for her, a pawn in his game,
A trophy to display, a possession to claim.
He sought to mold her to his desires,
Ignoring her freedom as it withered in fires.

In his gilded palace, he gazed at his reflection, Believing himself divine, a revered projection.
The tears and sufferings of others meant naught,
Mere details, insignificant and forgot.

His reign cast a shadow, dark and grim,
Where terror and oppression thrived within.
The people trembled under his cruelty's weight,
Enslaved by his whims, devoid of escape.

The terrifying king ruled with absolute might,
Crushing spirits, sowing chaos and blight.
His love for the young girl tarnished and decayed,
Becoming chains where love slowly frayed.

Wake up king...! (in scream)

"Mama the time is right
I made the decision to change my life
I will leave and renounce my knife
I'm going to the north
I'm going to the north
I'm happy
King of world is dead and
I leave this life..."

But in this act of bravery,
The king learned the power of love's decree,
Beyond his throne's dominion,
A revelation beyond opinion.

He left it all behind,
His reign of sovereign kind,
To lose himself in the embrace,
Of love's eternal grace.

And in the arms of his beloved fair,
He found solace beyond compare,
The king became a man anew,
Realizing love transcends all he once knew.

Thus, this love story finds its end,
Of the king and his reign to amend,
In a world where love prevails,
The king found his place, his tale unveiled.

Forever they'll dwell, In love's radiant spell,
The king relinquished his crown,
To be the king of his heart, no one to dethrone.
King of World dropped his crown

King of world
In the right way
King of world
In the right way

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