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I look up at the stars above,
Their twinkling light fills me with love,
I wonder if they see my dreams,
Or hear my heart's silent screams.

The world can be so cold and cruel,
But I won't let it make me a fool,
I'll keep on fighting for what's right,
And never give up without a fight.

Life can be a winding road,
With twists and turns that can explode,
But I won't let fear hold me back,
I'll keep on moving down my track.

I'll take chances, I'll take risks,
And never settle for less than bliss,
I'll carve my own path and make it mine,
And let my dreams be my guiding sign.

Because I'm reaching for the sky,
With every breath and every sigh,
I won't let anything hold me down,
I'll rise up and wear my crown.

Sometimes it feels like I'm all alone,
But I know I'm not on my own,
I have my dreams to guide me through,
And they will always see me through.

"Break on thought to the other side"

I'll keep on reaching for the stars,
And never let go of my dreams afar,
I'll chase them down with all my might,
And I'll make them shine so bright.

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