Chapter 12

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Before I can even mutter a single word, the black fog begins to disperse all over the bird's body, swallowing it inside its darkness. The eyes and mouth suddenly disappear, and the thing's body begins to convulse violently, flapping its black wings, launching feathers and fog in the air, until it drops to the ground, lifeless.

I back away, towards the exit, only to be stopped my the metal door slamming shut, leaving me trapped in this dark, cold place. With whatever that thing is. My heart pounds against my chest and the air begins to feel hot, leaving a burning sensation every breath I take.

As I look around the room confusingly, the dark mist begins to rise and grow, forming into some sort of humanoid shadow. I had seen this before. When Adrian and I were hallucinating, I saw something crawling on the ceiling. This had to be the same creature.

I back away until my back hits the metal door, and my fingers try to lock around it's handle with no luck. However, once the fog ends it's transmutation, it begins to turn smooth, but still foggy, like the blur of a camera before it begins focusing. The figure is slim and skinny, having a bone-like structure but slimy and flawed movements, occasionally convulsing slightly or disappearing altogether.

After the creature ends it's final transformation, it begins to crawl onto the floor, then the walls, until it reaches the ceiling.
I turn around towards the door, desperately trying to force it open, but it won't budge. I try this until a mysterious force or gust of air turns me around, and I'm now face to face with the monster.

"Well.. now what do we have here?" It exclaims. "I've finally got you all alone. Now, we may speak."

"What.. What are you..?" That's all I can say. My vocal chords begin to crumble and I can't let out any more words.

"That is not important," It's face appears once more, then disappears again, it's grin growing wider every word it speaks. "However, there is a much, much more important matter to deliberate upon. Something which has eluded your mind, completely."

I just sit there in fear, not daring to move or to do anything. Whatever this thing is, it talks like a person. It feels like I'm talking to someone. But of course, on the outside, this was just a malevolent being, made to terrorize me once more.

"You are alone. Truly alone, and always will be." The words pierce my heart like sharp knives, flying through my chest. "But you already knew that, did you not?" It laughs quietly, but in a malicious kind of way. Still, I'm frozen in fear, staring back into the creature's eyes.

"Yes, alone. I can see that word resonates with you, no?" The entity's voice echoes throughout the small room loudly, the words slithering into my ears like snakes. "Loneliness. You've felt it ever since your parents had separated. Ever since then, you've been on a path to 'make things right.' But of course, you are only a childish girl, inconscient about your every action."

What frightens me the most, is that it's right. Completely right. But what about my brother, Dad, Josephine? "No.. you're not real," I say. "You're just in my mind..!"

It laughs insanely before I can even finish that last word. "And yet, reality is cruel, my girl. Even in this desolate expanse, even your own reflection leaves you." It says. "Still, you yearn for companionship, even sticking around with that Adrian boy. But, he is only useless to you, now, slowing you down every step of the way."

No, Adrian is the only good person here, I think to myself, as my anger rises. "No, you're wrong. He's.. he's helped me so much! You're wrong!" I begin to simmer down, turning anger into some kind of anxiety, when the creature finally says: "But I can help you. I can help you escape. Not only from your loneliness, but from this sorrowful plane. But you need to aid me, as well."
I had naturally put my face in my hands, but I begin to look up slowly. "What.. what do you mean?"

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