The Downfall Of Total Drama.

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{ - This fanfiction is heavily inspired by the AU drawn and made by @eavee_ry on TikTok, please check out their AU as it's incredibly thought out and well drawn, and thank you for giving me permission to write this! - }

As introductions have been made, all the campers have now gathered outside of the two cabins, consisting of 2 rooms in each cabin, one for the girls, one for the boys.

''Welcome Campers, you are now officially in the Total Drama Island competition!'' Chris McLean reads out from his script in his hand. ''You are now going to be divided into two teams, when I call your name, please step to the right side!''. He reads out the following names. ''Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and.. Noah!'' he throws a team banner their way, revealing the teams logo. ''You will officially be known as.. The Screaming Gophers! You will be staying in the east cabin!''he gestures to the east cabin. ''Left side to the girls, right to the boys.'' 

''As for the rest of you.. Izzy, Sadie, Harold, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Courtney, Duncan, Ezekiel, and.. Eva!'' He does the same, throwing a team logo to them. ''You will now be known as the Killer Bass!, staying in the west cabin!''  he gestures to the west cabin. ''I'll let you guys settle, meet back out here in 2 hours for your first challenge! in which you will compete for victory, whoever loses will have to meet at the campfire, voting out the first elimination of the series. Goodluck.'' He smirks before dissapearing off into the woods, most likely to the crew's film trailers.

The campers all look around, figuring out what to do now, who to make friends with, or even alliances. 

There was a sudden high-pitched sobbing coming from outside one of the cabins, It was Katie & Sadie. 'I can't believe we arent on the same teams, we haven't been seperated before!" Katie sobbed into Sadie's arms. "I know! How are we going to survive?!" The sudden sobs from Sadie made it louder, the rest of the campers hovering around them, looking at eachother with puzzled looks ontheir faces on what to do. 

The rest of them learn to ignore it, moving their stuff in around the sobbing duo. ''So, this is it.'' Gwen mumbles, her suitcase laid on the bunk bed underneath Lindsay's bunk. ''Ugh! These mattresses are so so hard! How am I gonna sleep in these?'' Lindsay groans, trying to find a comfortable way to lie on her bed. The springs sticking out of the side of their mattresses, covered by a bed-sheet but still visible bulging out. ''Ugh, the springs are even poking out.'' Gwen groaned. ''When were these last cleaned?'' Lindsay jumps out at the thought, ''Ew! These are probably dirty!'' She screeched, backing up from the bed. ''I guess we are stuck with it, aren't we?'' Gwen sighs.

''How am I ever gonna get my beauty sleep in these rocks for mattresses?'' Leshawna frowns at the feeling. ''Ugh, will you babies ever stop complaining?'' Heather rolled her eyes at the constant complaining. ''What's your problem?'' Leshawna crossed her arms at Heather, looking her dead in the eyes with a confrontational look in her eyes. ''My problem? My problem is the fact you guys never stop whining and complaining! Knock it off for once before you give us all headaches.'' Heather got closer to Leshawna, her eyebrows tightened, anger in her face. ''Oh you did not just call us whiny little babies! Crying about your shoes getting wet on the dock! Nobody wants to deal with your nasty attitude either.'' Leshawna gets even closer, the anger in her face growing aswell, her teeth clenching and eyebrows tight, pushing  Heather slightly. Heather scoffs, the tension growing in the air. ''You did NOT just push me!'' She pushed back. ''You should try toning your voice down for once in a while so we can all hear our own voices! You are the loudest person on this island!'' Heather exclaimed. Leshawna suddenly raised her arm, slapping Heather across the face as hard as she could, a loud noise being heard around the entire cabin with a red mark being left on Heather's cheek. Heather exclaimed loudly. ''YOU SLAPPED ME!'' 

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