The Cafeteria Chase

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{ - This fanfiction is heavily inspired by the AU drawn and made by @eavee_ry on TikTok, please check out their AU as it's incredibly thought out and well drawn, and thank you for giving me permission to write this! - }


''Why, Why me?, I was so nice to everyone, I just wanted to make friends, Why did he have to do that to me?''.


The cabin fell into silence for hours on end, it felt like time had stopped, nobody had spoken since they heard Lindsay's last plead in the distance. The only thing that could be heard in the cabin was stomachs rumbling and the odd sob every couple minutes.

''We need to eat.'' Owen said in a monotone voice, this was unlike him, before the murders began, Owen always had that chirpy high-pitched voice, but now it felt like watching a abandoned snail shell you find on the footpath, it didn't feel like Owen anymore.

He broke the silence, everyone nodding in agreement as they realised it's been close to a day since anyone had eaten. They must be hitting that 24 hour mark of arriving here soon, but how would they know? They no longer have a sense of time other than the sun rising and setting.

Courtney felt a high amount of pressure, she always did. Even when she was young, she felt a pressure to be the one who can support everyone. She always felt like she was expected to be the calm, level-headed in-control girl she'd always been. In a situation like this, the pressure felt the weight of a school bus on her shoulders. Was she able to keep up her persona and keep everyone alive? Can she keep herself alive?

''Owen's right, we haven't eaten in almost a day.'' She responded, looking at the other campmates for the first time, all she'd been doing is staring at the wall.

Lindsay's name felt like the equivelent of Voldemort in Harry Potter, don't say it. Don't mention her. If she was mentioned, the sobbing that happened every few minutes, usually from Katie or Sadie, would grow, and nobody would be able to keep anyone or themselves alive. In everyone's mind, they knew Lindsay was gone, if she wasn't, she would have kept screaming for longer, but there hasn't been a peep from her for hours. Lindsay is dead.

''Chris mentioned the cafeteria earlier, didn't he?'' Heather said, that bratty snarky girl who once was, feels like she never existed. Her voice completely dead. ''She's right.'' Izzy said. ''I think it isn't too far, only past the opposite cabin a bit.'' Izzy still sounded like there was some life left inside of her.

''Okay, we should check it out then.'' Geoff added his input, sitting beside Bridgette, they had shared a moment on the dock as the yachts came in with the campers, before the chaos began and lives ended. They shared a brief interest of the ocean and surfing, making them both subconciously staying close to eachother the entire time.

Everyone nodded, Harold being closest to the door, moved the chair and opened it, the fresh air flowing in. Some closed their eyes, Beth's head still outside on the stick, the flies swarming around it as it slowly decayed. Gwen looked over at it. Something was different, underneath her head, covered in some dried up blood with a fly or two on it, was a white small note with black words on it.

''There's a note.'' Gwen gestured towards the beheaded Beth.

''I can't look.'' DJ squeeled, Heather went over and rubbed his shoulder, the only time she'd ever made a attempt to comfort someone.

Leshawna was on the other side of him, also trying to comfort him.

''I'll get it.'' Gwen gulped, feeling a wave of anxiety and terror now that they were all out in the open. Vulnerable.

She picked the note that had a small piece of tape attaching it to the pole, closing her eyes to not look at what once was Beth.

She took it and went back over to the group, the note was small with messy black hand-writing.

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