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{ - This fanfiction is heavily inspired by the AU drawn and made by @eavee_ry on TikTok, please check out their AU as it's incredibly thought out and well drawn, and thank you for giving me permission to write this! - }


'' I only came onto this show for the money, that hope of making some friends along with winning that cash prize that was so heavily advertised. Instead, I'm dead. I died. I was murdered. I AM DEAD.'' 


The silence filled the cabin, filled with the vulnerable distraught teenagers. The absence of Gwen, Bridgette and Izzy was brief, no words being spoken between the times that they had left and returned.

Footsteps of multiple people could be heard coming frantically from the direction of the confessional, Beth's body has vanished. ''Guys! Open the door! It's us!'' Gwen's voice could be heard, briefly banging on the cabin door that now had a chair underneath its door handle, making a block if someone unwanted were to try and get in.

Courtney rushed over to the door, hesitating before opening it, the three familiar faces rushing in out of breath. The door slammed shut as they all came in, the chair returning to it's prior position.

''What?'' Courtney said in a snappy tone. ''You couldn't have examined it that fast.''.

''There isn't a body to examine.'' Bridgette says almost immediately after Courtney finished her sentance.

Courtney stands puzzled, confused, a few whispers being heard under people's breath. ''Beth's body is.. gone.'' Gwen says, taking a heavy breath during her words from the running she had to do to get back.

''That means.. the killer is still here, it wasn't someone who escaped with the crew..'' Harold interupts, sending chills down everyones spines with his comment.

''No.. No..'' DJ panics, quickly spiralling into a panic attack, Tyler trying to comfort him while holding himself from having a panic attack.

''We need to secure this place, quickly.'' Heather seemed calm and collected, it was clear she was freaked out and scared but she kept that tough mean girl persona up to the visible eyes. ''How are you not freaked out about this?!'' Leshawna yelled at her. ''Someone has to be calm and collected and take control, otherwise nobody is going to live through whoever killed Beth if they decide to kill another one of us.'' 

The thought of a second victim sent more chills down the groups spines, creating a long silence, the air feeling cold, perhaps it was the cold, or the panic that made everyone shiver at every second. 

Heather shook her head at the sudden silence, making sure the chair was still in position to serve as a temporarily lock, although it would only take a strong kick or two to fully knock fhe door open. ''When the sun rises, we need to all go to the tool shed, to get stuff to defend ourselves with and make sure nothing can get into the cabin.'' Courtney suggests, everyone nodding at the idea.

Heather made sure the windows were locked, although the locks were most likely cheap, old and shabby, like the rest of this camp. It wouldn't take much to break into this cabin.

'''We need to figure out sleeping arrangements. We can't all sleep at the same time, it's a death wish.'' Eva suggests, leaning forward, her shoulders rested on her knees with her chin in her hand, her left leg bouncing up and down anxiously.

''Half of us should sleep, the other half should stay awake, Take turns, who's good at all nighters?'' Courtney asks, a few hands raising, including herselves.

Eva, Courtney, Gwen, Izzy, Noah, Duncan, and Harold were apparently good at all nighters, Courtney took a mental note of that.

''And the rest of you, how long can you stay awake?'' She asked, looking towards the remaining members of the group.

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