No strangers here ~part one~

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Sam was woken up by Terra who shook her slightly

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Sam was woken up by Terra who shook her slightly.

„Good morning, Sam,"Terra smiled at her.

„Hmh. Morning, Terra,"Sam said, still a bit sleepy and stretched herself.

Sam stood up and walked towards the small kitchen.

„Coffee,"Musa asked her, who had already a cup in her hand.

„Yes, please,"Sam replied.

Musa poured some coffee into the cup and gave it to Sam.

„Thanks,"Sam thanked her as she took the cup.

Then Stella walked into the suite.

„Oh. That outfit is so similar to the one from yesterday. Same designer,"Musa teased.

„Do you know how I feel about that joke or should I tell you,"Stella replied a bit annoyed.

„Where's Bloom,"Stella asked.

„In her room,"Musa said.

„She had a rough night. Thanks to you,"Sam added as she drank her coffee.

„What about my ring," Stella asked and then Bloom walked into the kitchen.

„That Burned thing took it,"Bloom admitted.

„What,"Stella practically screamed.

„Calm down princess,"Musa said.

„Don't tell me to calm down and don't use my title as an insult,"Stella snapped.

„Wait you're actually a princess,"Bloom smiled.

„Yes I am and my mom is the queen and the ring you've lost is one of the Crown Jewels of Solaria. This doesn't seem to mean much for a first worlder, but you can ask your suite mates how much of a screw up that is,"Stella said angrily.

„Almost as giving it to her in the first place,"Aisha said, walking also into the kitchen.

„Miss Dowling has the creature locked up, which you would have known if you were here last night when she gave us an earful,"Sam said.

„And if people knew there was a Burned One even in the First World temporarily, disaster,"Musa added.

„I didn't tell her that I lost the ring, but I'm sure if we do,"-Bloom wanted to say.

„We will do no such thing. I'll figure something out after class how to get the ring back, but now no one says anything to anyone. And can somebody sure to tell Terra that. She can never keep her mouth shut,"Stella said and opened the bathroom door only to see Terra, putting on her clothes.

„Got it,"Terra replied.

Sam went back to her room to change into her training clothes and went to training area.

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