No strangers here ~part two~

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Sam got herself some food and sat down next to her suite mates

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Sam got herself some food and sat down next to her suite mates.

"So here's what we should do,"Aisha began. "Maybe we can make a list of emotional triggers,"-

"Aisha, um, I appreciate what you're doing, but I can figure this out on my own,"Bloom said rather tiredly.

"I'm sure,"Aisha said "But I just think you might be in your head about the whole changeling stuff and overthinking."

'Way to throw her under the bus,'Sam thought to herself.

"So everyone knows,"Bloom asked.

"Is that why you freaked out at the vessel earlier,"Terra asked. "That makes so much more sense 'cause that's gonna be the easiest assignment we'll have,"Terra rambled.

Musa and Sam looked at her with a look too stop and gestured with their hands.

"And I'm making it worse,"Terra mumbled.

Then Stella approached the table with Sky by her side.

"So we have a plan to get my ring back,"Stella said and placed the map on the table.

Sky sat down next to Bloom.

"How are you,"Sky asked Bloom.

"What do you think,"Bloom replied.

"I think you're freaking out, pretending you're not,"Sky said.

"That obvious,"Bloom asked.

"Nah, I'm just really good,"Sky joked.

"Uhm Sky,"Stella said, interrupting their conversation and Sky stood up next to Stella.

"Where do you think they're keeping it again,"Stella asked.

"Uh, there's only so many buildings outside the Barrier they can secure a creature like that,"Sky said, pointing at the map. "There's the barn and the mill."

"Oh, the barn would be my bet,"Terra chimed in. "My dad fortified the beams because he was chaining the wounded horse when I was little."

Stella fake smiled at Tetras words. "So we just have to sneak in there and get my ring."

"Strange how causally you're tossing about the word 'we',"Sam said.

"Yeah,"Musa said, agreeing. "It seems more like a you kinda thing."

"Expect I didn't lose it,"Stella said.

"When do we go,"Bloom asked.

"Gonna be blunt, sorry,"Aisha said. "Bloom, you have zero control over your magic. That is if you manage to channel it. Bad idea."

"I lost the ring. I'm gonna get it back,"Boom said.

"Guys maybe we should take a second,"Sky said, trying to calm the situation.

"I think everyone is making a bigger deal of this than it needs to be,"Stella exclaimed. "The Burned One's locked up right?"

"Oh, and subdued," Terra added. "I'm pretty sure my dad is distilling this oil that'll subdue it. It's. it's called Zanbag. I can probably make some more."

"Thank you Terra for being helpful,"Stella said with a fake smile and then turned to Bloom. "And thank you Bloom for taking responsibility,"Stelle turned to the rest of the group. "And thank you everyone else for. . . Nothing. Thank you for nothing I guess."

"Let me know when you wanna do it,"Bloom said to Stella. She stood up and left the group.

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