Pirate Lord - Chapter 6

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Chapter 8

"It be time you were up now lassie" Barbossa says while shaking me awake. I sit up and think over what happened last night. How dare Jack plan to leave me and not even tell me, he is stupid, trying to stab the heart. There are far too many people invested in Jones ending up dead and he will get in their way. Even I want Jones dead, but I cannot risk getting near to that chest. I sigh as I pull on my long coat and shirt, they used to be big but with my ever-growing bump, the shirt has begun to feel a little bit small recently.

As I emerge on deck, I see the top of the cove. This is going to be either a triumph or a disaster and if Jack has anything to do with it then it is going to be the latter. I move to the rail next to Pintel, Ragetti and my Father, I see Jack standing on the other side but ignore him. Subconsciously my hand moves to my stomach, he needs to think about what he will lose if he chooses immortality over me.

"Look at them all" I say in awe of all the ships I can see.

"There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime" Barbossa says also sounding amazed at the sight before us.

"And I owe them all money" Jack mutters and I just scoff, typical Sparrow. I follow everyone to the end of the ship and manage to climb down to the pier. I just stay next to my Father; there is no way I will be found on my own in this place. I jump as my father bangs a cannonball on the table to attract everyone's attention. I see that Jack is holding a chair out for me and right now, all I want is to sit down.

"As he who issued summons, I convene this the fourth Brethren Court" Barbossa says. All the pirates glare at me as they take a seat and I copy taking Jack's seat. I sigh in content as the weight is lifted off my feet. Well what do they expect me to remain standing the whole time? I know I am not a Pirate Lord but I am pregnant.

"To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow captains" Father says and I watch as Ragetti collects various items from each pirate lord.

"How can they be a piece of eight, they are just little trinkets" I say aloud, everyone looks at me but only Gibbs answers me.

"Aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first Court met the Brethren were to a one, skint broke"

"So change the name" Pintel says joining in our conversation.

"What? To nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at the time? Oh yes, that sounds very pirate" Gibbs answers and I giggle slightly. I watch in disgust as Barbossa removes Ragetti's fake eye from him. That is obviously his piece of eight.

"Sparrow, your piece of eight if ye be so kind" Barbossa saya and motions to Jack who is still standing by my side leaning on the seat.

"We are still one pirate Lord short and I'm content to wait until he shows" Jack tells everyone while avoiding putting in his piece of eight.

"Sao Feng is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman" I hear Elizabeth say as she stands on my other side and rests her hand on my shoulder while giving it a quick squeeze.

"And made you captain? They're just giving the bloody title away now" Jack says and I move to sit in the corner as arguing starts.

"Listen. Listen to me! Our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett, they're on their way here" Elizabeth shouts over them all and they all fall silent. I almost laugh for joy when I find a pillow in a chair in the back; I slowly sit down and place the pillow at the small of my back. Being 6 months pregnant in the Caribbean heat is not easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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