Sparrow's Eternal Love (Third in the Sparrow's Love Trilogy)

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After what seemed like an eternity we finally made it to Tia Dalma's shack. I have moved on from my over emotional stage and now I just fell anger. Anger and determination. I will find Jack, there has to be a way to get him back. I haven't spoke to my sister since I told her my news, I don't think I will do so in the immediate future, not until she apologises anyway. I turn as Tia Dalma enters holding a tray with drinks on it, she hands them out to the crew and I move to take one but she holds my hand and stops me.

"I know it is hard now, but all of this it has to happen... it is your destiny child. You drink this one. It is good for the child within you" She tells me and hands me the cup. I smile gratefully at her and move back into my corner and draw my knees to my chest and take a sip. It tastes awful but if it's good for my baby who am I to deny it to them.

"It's a shame. I know you're thinking that with the Pearl, you could've freed your father's soul" Tia tells Will and hands him his cup.

" Doesn’t matter now. The Pearl's gone... along with its Captain" he replies and I hear myself sob at the mention of the favourite Captain. Will looks up at me and then thuds his knife down into Tia's table. Elizabeth moves to comfort me but I send a glare her way which stops her from doing so.

"Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all, right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out" He glances at me and then raises his cup "To Jack Sparrow!" He says and puts a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"Never another like Captain Jack" Ragetti says and raises his cup.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was" Pintel says and I let out a chuckle at that one. He certainly wasn't but he was always a gentleman to me.

"He was a good man" Elizabeth says and I feel myself snap.

"How dare you! You told me I don't need him because he is nothing but a pirate! They were your word Elizabeth not mine. Don't you dare sit there thinking that you are mourning because you are not. You are regretting something Elizabeth and I know it's not your words and I will find out what it Elizabeth believe me" I tell her and I feel totally stupid as the tears are now streaming down my face and I have moved to stand in the middle of the room and Will has also moved to stand next to me.

" If there was anything to be done to bring him back, Maria..." Will begins but Tia suddenly spins round to look at Will.

"Would you do it? Hmm?  What would you? Hmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmm? Will you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back Jack and his precious Pearl?" She asks us all.  I look another and feel hope begin to rise from my stomach.

"Aye" Gibbs shouts and stands up.



"Aye"  Various members of the crew shout. Everyone agreeing, as they do my smile grows wider. Tia turns to Elizabeth who in-turn looks at me before replying.

"Yes" She answers and then Tia turns to Will.

"Aye" He says and then everyone turns to me.

"I would go to hell and back for that man" I tell her seriously.

Tia nods at my reply before speaking to all of us "All  right, but if you're going to brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end... then, you will need a Captain who knows those waters" She tells us an turns to the stairs where I see a man who I never thought I would see again in my life.

"So, tell me, what's become of my daughter?" My dead...well not so dead father asks and the only thing to pass my lips while I place a hand on my stomach is "Shit" .

Sparrow's Eternal Love (Third in the Sparrow's Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now