Family Troubles - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You bitch!" I shout and start to make my way across the deck. I push past the pirates, many move out of my way. They are fearful of the current expression on my face.

"Elizabeth!" I shout and she moves to walk towards me.

"How dare you! How dare you do that to me" Is shout and draw my sword. She jumps back and looks at me as though I'm a mad woman.

"Is this because I sent Jack to the Locker?" Elizabeth asks looking at me as though I am a child.

"No Elizabeth... I understand that. He understands that. It's because you kissed him and then KILLED him!" I scream and move to hit her with my sword but another blocks her. Its Barbossa.

"Not on my ship. It's too dangerous for you to be doing such things, getting so stressed so go to your quarters and calm down. That's an order" Barbossa says while pushing me back and into the Captains Quarters. I turn and pull the books of the bookshelves and throw one through the window before breaking down in tears. My own sister kissed my...well Jack. Then she tried to kill him, I sit and cry for a few moments before washing my face and getting a new shirt. I walk onto deck and Jack moves towards me and places a kiss on my forehead and rubs his hands on my stomach. Only a small bump but  normal, from what I have read, for 5 months. He smiles before walking to stand next to Barbossa at the wheel. I move down the ship, the opposite side to Elizabeth and Will. I take a seat next to Pintel and Ragetti who are fishing off the side of the ship. There is no wind at all, my hair just lays in soft curls down my shoulders, no wind to blow it.

"Ugh!" Ragetti shouts making me snap out of my daydream. I look down and see bodies floating by the ship.

"Eerie. That’s downright macabre." Pintel says.

"That's awfully disturbing" I say in agreement.

"I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of ‘em." Ragetti says and Pintel and him run to get one.

"No boys don't!" I shout but they run off anyway. I turn as Tia Dalma has moved to stand next to me watching the bodies in sorrow.

"It'd be disrespectful it would" Pintel says as they each drop their cannon balls at the sight of Tia Dalma standing next to me.

"They should be in the care of Davy Jones. That was the duty him was charged with by the goddess Calypso. To ferry those who die at sea to the other side, and every ten years him could come ashore to be with she who love him, truly. But the man has become a monster" She says, not once drawing her eyes from the people in the water.

"So he wasn’t always... tentacley?" Pintel asks and demonstrates with his hands the tentacles that Davy Jones has on his face.

"No, him was a man, once" She says dreamily while stroking her locket. I recognise the locket as the same as Davy Jones' that he had next to the organ when we stole the key. Suddenly realisation draws on me, she loved him.

"Now it’s boats coming" Ragetti says now also feeling the sorrow in the situation.

"They’re not a threat to us, am I right?" Will asks and turn and notice that the rest of the crew have joined us at the edge of the ship.

"We are nothing but ghosts to them" Tia Dalma says.

"It's best just let them be" Barbossa says while placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him but he is just watching the boats.

"It's my father, we've made it back! Father, Father here, look here!" Elizabeth shouts and I snap my head round to see Father sitting in a boat.

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