Singapore - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Soon after we left Tia's shack we set off for Singapore. I also ad to have a horrible chat with my supposedly dead father. He flipped when I told him about the baby but then I was the one who flipped when he told me how he is alive.  Tia Dalma brought him back. At the minute we are in a truce, after Jack is back though we might not be in such a state of agreement. At this moment in time I am cursing him as I have to sit and row down the canal in a stupid traditional hat and outfit. It isn't comfortable especially with a small but protruding baby bump.

"Some men have died and some are alive and others sail on the sea with the keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler’s Green.
The bell has been raised from it’s watery grave
Do you hear it’s sepulchral tone?
 We are a call to all, pay head the squall and turn your sail towards home
 Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colours high. Heave ho..."
I sing and tie the boat up as I reach my destination.

"Thief and beggar, never say we die!" A voice from behind me says and I feel myself jump. I turn and see a small group of pirates.

"A dangerous song to be singing, for anyone ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman. Particularly a woman alone" He says and takes a threatening step towards me but just as he does so Barbossa moves towards him from behind. Elizabeth slowly following.

"What makes you think she's alone?" he asks them and pulls his coat back to show them he is armed.

"You protect her?" The Pirate asks. I pull out my knife and throw it towards his throat but stop short from touching him.

"And what makes you think I need protecting?"I ask him and he just glances at me nervously. Barbossa moves and pulls the knife away from the man throat and gives me a pointed look.

"Your master's expecting us and an unexpected death’d cast a slight poll on our meeting" He tells the pirate and motions him to go first. He then turns and pushes me towards the wall an Elizabeth passes us giving us a quick glance before moving on. Barbossa just seems angry.

"No deaths do ye hear me? Maria, you shouldn't even be carryin' a sword in your condition" He tells me an motions me forward and we go inside the bath house.

"Have you heard anything from Will?" I hear Elizabeth ask Barbossa. We are stood in the bath house in a line waiting to enter but they haven't let us in yet for some reason.

"I trust young Turner to acquire the charts and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng, both of you" He says and gives each of us a pointed glance.

"Is he that terrifying?" Elizabeth asks.

"He’s much like myself but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play" Barbossa  answers and I laugh.

"So a liar and a backstabber?" I ask and he just glares. I smile and go to move as he pirate knocks on the door and we are allowed to enter into another waiting room.

We all move to the door but are stopped and the pirate motions at our weapons. We start to give them our weapons and Elizabeth moves to enter but the pirates stop her.

"Did you think because they are  women we would not suspect them of treachery?" The pirate says ad motions at myself and Elizabeth.

"When you put it that way..." Barbossa trails off and motions at us to do as we are told.

"Remove, please" I remove my coat and hand in a extra dagger but Elizabeth removes hers and reveals a large number of weapons. She places them on the table and when she has done so I step forward and try to enter but once again he stops us.

Sparrow's Eternal Love (Third in the Sparrow's Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now