Reunited - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The waves lap at my tail as I sit on the beach. Our ship is completely destroyed, only small planks remain. Will walks out of the water and moves me further up the beach to give me a chance to dry off. The rest of the crew trying to catch their breath after swallowing sea water.

"Where are we?"  I ask while standing up, my feet now returning.

"The locker. Davy Jones locker. A truly God forsaken place" Gibbs says while helping Elizabeth up.

"Where is Jack? I don't see anyone" I ask again now moving to stand next to the group. I need to see Jack to see that he is ok. We have came all this way, he must be here.

"He's here. Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took" Barbossa says while trying to rinse water out of his hat.

"And does it matter? We're trapped here by your doing, no different of Jack" Will says with a sigh.

"Witty Jack is closer than you tink" Tia Dalma says while taking hold of my hand and giving it a small squeeze. I turn to see the Black Pearl being brought to the sea by a large number of crabs. This place is truly amazing. 

"Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma! It's Jack!" Gibbs shouts and they all take off running towards him. It takes me a moment to catch up to them because of the baby, but my heart won't stop pounding. I run into Jack's arms and hold him close but he doesn't speak.

"Jack what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" I ask him worriedly, I take his face into my hands and look him in the eyes.

"Hello Maria, my love" He says and then moves to stand near Mr Gibbs. I feel my heart break by his actions towards me.

"Jack!"  Gibbs exclaims.

"Mr. Gibbs!" He nods in return.  "I expect you're able to account for your actions then"

"Sir?" Gibbs asks in confusion. I understand how he feels, Jack is acting very oddly.

"There's been a perpetual and virilent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? Why is that sir?" Jack asks while looking at us all.

"Sir, you're... you're in Davy Jones Locker, cap'n."

"I know that. I know where I am. And don't think I don't!"

" Jack Sparrow" Barbossa says while stepping into Jack's line of sight.

"Ah, Hector! It's been too long, hasn't it?" Jack says while shaking his hand.

"Aye. Isla de Muerta, remember? You shot me" Barbossa says with  evil smirk.

"No I didn't. Tia Dalma! Out and about, eh? You add an agreeable sense of macabre to any delerium" Barbossa looks to me and he is just as confused as the rest of us.

"He thinks we're a hallucination" Will tells us.

"William, tell me something. Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel, rather, damsel in distress? Either one" Jack asks while moving into Will's face.

" No"

"Well then you wouldn't be here would you? So you can't be here. QED, you're not really here"

" Jack. This is real, we're here" Elizabeth says while moving to stand next to Will. Jack turns around to me and smiles. He runs back up to me and quickly presses his lips aginst mine while his hands move to hold me around my waist.

"It's real Jack, Its real. I came for you" I tell him and he smiles while his hands find their way to my stomach.

"It's definitely real" He says and gives me a peck before turning to talk to Mr Gibbs.

"The Locker, you say?" He says while moving to stand next to Gibbs.


"We've come to rescue you!"Elizabeth says while moving closer to our little group.

"Have you now? That's very kind of you. But it would seem that as myself and Maria possess a ship and you don't, you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood." I smile at Jacks words, he did tell me what's his is mine and vies-versa we have just never had an opportunity to express it before.

" I see my ship, right there" Barbossa says to Jack and I frown. This is definitely going to cause an argument.

"Can't spot it. Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl" Jack says while holding his hand over his eyes so the sun doesn't blind him.

"Jack! Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones. He controls the Flying Dutchman" Will shouts, growing tired of the conversation.

"He's taking over the seas!" Elizabeth agrees with Will.

"The song has already been sung, the Brethren Court is called." Tia Dalma informs him. Jack just looks to me.

"It's true Jack" I tell him in a small  voice. He just takes hold of my hand and gives it a genle squeeze.

"Leave you people alone for just a minute, look what happens, everything's gone to pot!" He exclaims and this causes me to giggle slightly.

"Aye, Jack, the world needs you back somethin' fierce"  Gibbs agrees.

"And you need a crew" Will says, trying to bargain for his life. HE should know that I won't leave him here.

" Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past, one of you succeeded." He says while pointing at  Elizabeth. She just looks at me guiltily.

"What? What do you mean Jack?" I ask him in shock. He just looks at each of us before a grin appears on his face.

"Oh, she's not told you. She should she is the one who betrayed me, caused Maria the pain of losing the devilishly handsome love of her life. But that's another story" He says while I try and work out how Elizabeth caused Jack to end up here.

"And you..." Jack trails why looking at Tia Dalma.

"She's coming with us Jack" I tell him and he groans but nods anyway.

"Don't need you, you scare me." Jack says to Ragetti. " Gibbs, you can come, Marty, Cotton. Cotton's parrot I'm a little iffy, but at least I'll have someone to talk to" He continues until he comes to the pirates from Singapore. "Who are you?"

"Tai Huang. These are my men"

"Where do your allegiances lie?"

"With the highest bidder"

"I have a ship" Jack offers him.

"That makes you the highest bidder" Tai Huang says and shakes Jack's hand.

"Weigh anchor, all hands, prepare to make sail" He says to the crew.

"Jack I'm not leaving them here" I tell him while moving to stand next to Will.

"Not necessary my dear ,Oh Jack... Which way you going, Jack?" Barbossa says while holding the charts that can be used to take us home. I laugh and start to make my way towards the ship. Once on board I pull Jack into a corner.

"Tell me everything....  now!" I say and he gulps before taking a breath and starting the story. 

Sparrow's Eternal Love (Third in the Sparrow's Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now