XVIII. Return of the Many Faces

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"The scar tissue will remain for a long time, but you've healed very well," Arthur smiled softly rubbing a medicinal substance into her skin.

Lilith sat up in the bed, legs pulled close to her chest, long hair a tangled mess.  She turned her feet to the side in order to examine the bottoms.  Her body was healed technically, but inside she still felt the pain of what he did to her.  It had only been a month since she returned to camp, but the image of her family and the torture he put her through repeated every night. 

She spent most of her time when outside of Arthur's tent in the valley staring out at the world.  Today would be no different.  Once she was cleared to go, she changed and strolled to her usual spot but this time, a friend was waiting for her.  She stood staring at the back of Jon's head, his long hair dancing in the breeze. 

"I see I have company today," Lilith smiled softly taking a seat beside him.

Jon didn't look at her, "We need to talk about what happened." 

Lilith huffed, "Why do you want to know? Why must I tell you?"  She rubbed her eyes, the mere mention of her assault brought flashing images to the surface. 

"Because, I fucked up.  I let you go alone and I let them take you.. I need to know what happened so I can take care of it," Jon spoke angrily, his eyes meeting hers finally.

Lilith's eyes widened, "You look like you haven't slept in ages..."

Jon let his head fall, now looking at the grass around him, "I just need to know.  I haven't been able to sleep thinking of all of the possible things that could have happened." 

Lilith sighed heavily, "You wish to know every detail?" She waited for a response, but Jon held back maybe regretting his request.

The princess spoke anyways, "The moment I arrived at that prison, I was shackled and left in a cell over night.  In the morning, I was thrown into the washroom. They bathed me three times, scrubbed at least four layers of skin off, and removed every strand of hair that wasn't on my head."

"Is that why your legs have small cuts?"

"Guards had to hold me down, I was kicking and screaming. They even got a few grabs in.. One of them said 'we could fuck her and he'd never know.'  The other one replied 'yeah and if he did find out, he'd cut off your cock and make you eat it.'"

Jon swallowed as she continued, "Next, they threw me into a dressing chamber.. powdered my face, colored my lips. Finally, they bound me to a wedding dress so tight my ribs cracked with every breath."

"We were to be wed in a fortnight, but as soon as I had been fitted, he came into my room.  The same room he killed Agnolo."

"He told me he couldn't wait.. and he sliced through the dress. My face was shoved down onto the bed and from behind he said 'I have to wet my cock so I don't hurt you...'"

Jon winced, feeling the stinging of hate trickle throughout his body. "He took his dagger, and dragged the blade down into my skin from my shoulder to my ass. He placed his palm on the wound, pushing gently. I could feel more blood pool to the surface... a moment later, he pushed himself into me."

A Jon Snow sequel: Beyond the North (GAME OF THRONES)Where stories live. Discover now