Chapter Two: Hero or Sidekick

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Once I was off the bus, I joined Layla and Will as we walked to the school. As we walked across the school's front lawn, the entire freshman class couldn't help but be mesmerized by everything. The cheerleader who can duplicate herself into an entire squad, the students flying in, and the girl who froze a guy that zapped her butt. When we were close to the stairs we were suddenly in the middle of a whirlwind. "Hey freshman," a boy said who turned out to be a speedster. "Your attention please."

Another student stretched his way beside the speedster. "I'm lash, this is speed" The stretchy boy introduced. "And as representative of the Sky High Welcoming committee."

"We will be happy to collect that $15 new student fee," Speed told us as Lash stretched his hand in front of the boy from the bus.

"There wasn't anything about a fee in the handbook," The boy told the bullies.

"Ok, guys" a girl in pink spoke up as she walked up to our group. "Very funny, I'll take over from here," She told the two boys. "Hey, everybody. I'm Gwen Grayson, your student body president." She introduced herself but I began to drone her out. I do not like queen bees and this girl was giving off some sinister energy. I don't like it.

We followed her inside as she guided us to the gym area after handing us name tags. When we got inside a glowing orb flew past us and landed next to a podium to reveal a woman in white clothing. "Good morning, I am Principle Powers. On behalf of all of the faculty and staff, welcome to Sky High"

"YEAH!" One of Will's friends yelled out like an idiot causing him to get a 'really' face from both Principle Powers and me.

"In a few moments," Powers continued her speech without missing a single bet. "You'll go through power placement and your own heroic journey with begin."

"Power placement?" Will questioned.

"Sounds fascist" Layla commented.

"Power placement. It's how they decide where you go." The boy from the bus told us.

"Hero track or loser track" Magenta commented.

"Sounds like a dream," I commented worried on the inside.

"There's a loser track?" will ask dumbly.

"I think the preferred term is hero support," The orange boy told us.

"For now, good deeds and good luck," Principle Powers told us "Let the adventure begin" She finishes her speech before yelling out. "Comets away" and turns back into a flying orb and flies out of the gym.

As she flew out, a platform rises with a couch on top of it. "Alright listen up" He commands like a drill Sargent. "My name is Couch Boomer. You may know me as "Sonic Boom", You may not" He introduced himself before continuing his planned-out speech. "This is how power placement works, you will step up here and show me your power" He gestured to the platform he was on. "Yes, you will do this in front of the whole class." This caused all of the kids to murmur, some from fear of embarrassment some from cockiness. "I will then determine where you will be assigned. Hero or Sidekick" I rolled my eyes at this. I swear everyone thinks powers determine everything. "There are a few students or as I call them, "Whiner Babies" who see fit to question and to complain about their placement, so let's get one thing straight. My word is the law. My judgment is final. So there will be no whiner babies. Are we clear?" Boomer asked us and to which everyone murmured a yes. I guess that wasn't enough for him, dang drill Sargent. "I said Are We CLEAR?" he used his powers.

"YES COUCH BOOMER" We all yell back.

He blew his whistle. "Go time" He announced and a small step ladder comes out from the platform. From then on, it was nothing but hearing the words Sidekick or Hero, all the way until he made it to Layla. "You, Flower Child. Let's go"

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