Chapter Six: Strength Vs Ice

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When I got back into the house my mom was waiting for me in the kitchen. "How was your walk?" she asked with a smirk.

I blushed so hard I thought I was glowing red. "Really good," I admitted as I took off my jacket.

"Noel, you know you can tell me anything right? You know I won't judge." I looked down before nodding. "So when the principal called, she told me that you and the boy your brother fought with are close."

I nodded once again before confirming with a "Yes, ma'am. We have been friends since the beginning of the year."

"Is this the same friend that you went to meet?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am. He wanted to clear the air between us."

Before we could continue our conversation, my dad came in angry. "What is this dating I hear from Will?" He asked in an interrogation-like voice. Before I could answer he asked a different question "And why is it the boy who ATTACKED him in school today?"

I am going to kill Will when I get done here. "Why is it any of Will's business?" I countered.

"DON'T GET SMART WITH ME YOUNG LADY!" He slammed his fist on the table enough to make a dent. I jumped back and my power activated.

"STEVE ENOUGH" my mom yelled at him.

"SHE'S NOT ALLOWED TO DATE" He yelled at Mom while pointing at me.

I could feel the temperature dropping around me as I asked "Why does it matter?"




"NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT HE LOVES ME" I snapped and the whole room went quiet.

After a few moments, Dad stood in front of me. "Is that what he told you, Noel? He told you he loved you?"

"Yes," I admitted. "And I told him I love him and he loves me." I watched as my mom smiled but my dad, on the other hand, started to shake. "And you can't stop me from loving him. I am done letting you win in this little war you and I have."

My father glared down at me before saying "You are forbidden from seeing him again"

"Not going to happen," I told him when I saw Will out of the corner of my eye carrying up a new Xbox. "Mom, did you get Will a new Xbox?" I asked while watching my brother freeze.

"Don't change the subject young lady" Dad said

"WILL GET IN HERE" My mom yelled. I decided to take a seat at the table as my brother came inside the kitchen with the said Xbox. I couldn't hide the smile I had on my face as I got glared down at by Will. "Where did you get that?" She pointed at his hand. Will said nothing, just looked towards Dad and Mom followed his eyes. "STEVE!"

"He's earned it" My dad tried to defend.

I just laughed at his hypocrisy. "So gaining super strength is earning it?" I smiled at the two males standing. "Or is destroying a school cafeteria earning something? Well if I had known that, I would have taken the school down by now." I shook my head before turning to Mom. "Mom, is it OK if I go to my bedroom while you handle them?" She nodded her head and I grabbed my things and walked out but not before bumping shoulders with Will. "Night"

As I went up the stairs, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw Warren's name flashed on the screen. "Hey," I answered with a smile.

"Hey, sorry I know I just saw you but"

I chuckled "It's fine, I needed a pick-me-up anyway."

"What's wrong?"

I sighed "Will ratted me out to my dad about you." Once I got to my room, I began to take off my clothes and go to the bathroom before putting him on speaker.

"And how did that go?" he asked in a strained manner.

I sighed as I began to put on my face mask "I got yelled at like no tomorrow. Then I switched it around on him and got him in trouble with Mom." I heard him start to laugh. "Yeah." I put on my pajamas and went to my desk to get started on schoolwork for the night. I didn't notice my mom coming into my room until she touched my shoulder. My fight or flight kicked in and I froze her to the spot. "Shoot, sorry Warren I have to go," I said before hanging up and thawing out the ice. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, Your father and brother are both in trouble but you need to go to bed."

I nodded. "Yes ma'am. I just need to finish my homework before I do." She kissed my forehead before leaving my room for the night. Once I was finished with my homework I went to bed. Sadly with no Warren, although I did have a good night's sleep. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters.

My last chapter of the night. Sorry it was short but I hope you enjoyed the drama. Night guys

-XOXO wonderland hacker

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