Chapter Five: The enemy of my brother is my...

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The next day when I woke up, Warren was gone, per usual but today he didn't leave anything behind. He always left his jacket or comic or something like that. Nothing today. It had me worried. When I got on the bus and into our usual seat, he didn't say anything. No good morning, no forehead kiss, all he did was give me a half-hearted smile and nothing else. Something was off. Instead of pressuring him on the bus so early in the morning, I decided that it would best if I just talked to him at lunch.

Once we were at the school, Ron opened the door as usual but then in the middle of him saying "Welcome to Sky High" His hat was taken by Lash and Speed. I swear those two still act like five-year-olds in kindergarten. Thankfully, Will stepped in before things could get out of hand.

Everything seemed to stay calm for the rest of the day. Once the bell rang for lunch, I went to my locket to get my lunch box before heading to the cafeteria. Once I got there, I saw Warren completely unhinged. He charged at my brother with his arms on fire. "WARREN" I yelled running towards the two. Once I was in front of him, I had my powers ready for anything. "Warren, what's going on?" I asked calmly and directly. I watched as the fire in his eyes began to dim. "Warren, I know something is wrong. Please talk to me." I begged,

"Get out of my way, Noel. Your brother needs to be taught a lesson."

I was completely confused but before I could ask, I was pulled out of the way by Lash. "Why don't you just let those two work it out while we get to know each other?" The striped stretchy teen whispered into my ear causing me to struggle against him as I watched the two guys I care about most in my life fight each other. I watched as Warren fired at my brother, again and again to the point that Will resorted to hiding under the tables. WHERE ARE YOUR SIDEKICKS, SIDEKICK?!?!" he asked on top of the tables. I have to admit, I was hurt by his question considering what I asked last night. "Right here" Zack answered with the gang behind him.

It seemed to fuel Warren's rage even more as his fire grew. I finally had enough and turned my entire body into ice "LET GO OF ME, YOU CREEP" I yelled as he started to get frostbite from my power. Once his arms were off of me, I turned to see Warren flying through a table on the other side of the cafeteria. "WARREN" I screamed and ran to him to check on him. When I got there, he was already getting back up and had relit his fire. I put up a wall between him and my brother causing him to look towards me. "Warren, please talk to me," I begged as I walked closer to him. I place an iced hand on his lit arm.

I could tell he was conflicted. "I'm sorry, Angel but there are some demons you can't beat. '' I was confused by his words when he moved me and melted the ice wall before yelling "STRONGHOLD" before lighting up again. My brother awkwardly got into a fighting position before Warren charged at him. Will quickly punched him through a wall causing him to land in the teacher's lounge. "Think I can't take a hit," Warren asked before lighting up worse than before. I finally had enough of watching two important guys in my life fight each other. "ENOUGH" I shot ice and snow onto him at the same time Will sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. When it was over, Principle Powers was standing above Warren.

Luckily I didn't have to go to detention with them but that didn't mean I wasn't any less hurt by Warren's words. After lunch, Layla grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. I ripped my arm from her "What the heck, Layla?!" I questioned.

"NO, What the heck with you!" She snapped at me, causing me to look at her with a slight glare in my confusion. "How can you date someone like Warren? Someone who just tried to kill Will!" She said an angry point at the direction the boys went. "Why him? He's the son of a villain!"

I finally had it and slapped her. "You know what Layla. You can yell at me and insult me all you want but do not ever talk about Warren that way. You don't know him. You don't know the pain he goes through because of his dad." I snapped at her with tears in my eyes. "Why him? Maybe because he has never tried to hurt me or use me. Maybe it's because he has given me more love in the last few months than my own dad or my brother, who you are so in love with, has my entire life." I could feel my tears flow down my face. "You and almost everyone else have treated me differently simply because I'm a Stronghold. The only people who haven't are Warren and Magenta." I gathered my things before saying "I love him because he makes sure to make me feel loved. Think about that." With that I walked away and spent the rest of the day in the nurse's office, exhausted by today's events.

Once school was over, the nurse came into the room and told me that she told my teachers where I was, so I wouldn't get in trouble. I thanked her and went straight to the bus and decided to sit with Magenta. I couldn't face Warren right now. Not with what happened in the cafeteria. Magenta and I talked all the way back to the mainland and gave me a hug before she got off. Once Will and I got off, I walked ahead to stay away from Will. When we got home, Will couldn't be more excited and lost control of his strength for a moment and destroyed the front door. He flipped the door around and leaned it against the door frame. "So, Will, anything interesting happen at school today?" Mom asked my brother in a stern tone. I was about to say something but mom stopped me. "Noel, you are not in trouble since you tried and stopped the fight, you can go to your room." I nodded and went up to my room with Warren still on my mind. When I got to my room, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw who it was. "What, Warren? You already said everything you needed to at lunch."

"No, I didn't." He sounded depressed and almost desperate. "Please, Angel. I need to see you."

I closed my eyes fighting away my tears. "Why? I'm a Stronghold remember? I'm the daughter of the man who put your father away." I cried. "Goodbye, Warren."

"Angel, please just meet me outside. Let me explain everything" His voice sounded so broken. "Noel, please. Don't end us before we can even start" I looked outside to see him by the tree.

"I don't know," I said weakly turning away from the window. I sat down on my bed where he usually lays.

"Please. Just hear me out." He begged once more. "Please, I don't think I can handle life without my angel."

When he said that I felt my heart crack. "Ok, I'm coming down." I hung up the phone and grabbed a jacket before walking down the stairs to see my mom. "Hey, I'm going for a walk. I need some air." I told her.

"Ok hun, be careful." She called out as I walked out of the house.

When I got outside, Warren walked up to me looking relieved. "Thank you" he whispered.

"This doesn't mean I forgive you. I just want to hear your reason" I said firmly. He nodded and held his hand out for me. I hesitated a little before laying my hand on his. He guided me to a park a little ways past my house and we sat down under an oak tree. "Why?"

He looked down, avoiding my eyes, "Last night after you fell asleep on my chest, my dad called me from jail. He said that he wanted to talk to me. So I left your house and went to the jail. Turns out, things are rougher than I thought inside because when I saw him, he had a black eye and a busted lip. He told me that last night would be the last time I would see him for a long time." I watched him get tense and started to heat up a bit "They're throwing him into solitary. I asked why would it be the last time. My mom and he took me off of the visitors' list, Noel." I decided to climb into his lap and hug him tight. "So when your brother dropped his lunch on me, I lost it. At first, I was just going to scare him and then he brought up your dad being the reason mine is in jail, I snapped."

I just held him in my arms before asking, "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come back to my room and wake me up? Why didn't you attack me?"

He pulled away shocked "Because I couldn't, Noel." He held my head in both of his hands. "You didn't say or do anything to make me lose it. You kept me from falling for so long." He started to tear up. I have never seen him cry. Ever. "I love you, Noel." It was my turn to cry. I buried my head into his neck and squeezed my arms around his neck. We just sat there in silence for who knows how long before he spoke up. " I need to get you home, angel. It's late."

He picked me up in his arms and carried me most of the way home. When we were about half a block away from my house, he put me down and I walked the rest of the way. Once we were at my driveway, I turned around on him and gave his cheek a peck before saying, "I love you too" I smiled before running to the house.  

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters,

 So we got a lot of drama and confessions in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and please leave a comment and a vote. 

-XOXO The wonderland hacker

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