iii. Chicago girl

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TAYLOR RUSSEL AS JANEA (ja- knee- uh) LOPEZ (14)

TAYLOR RUSSEL AS JANEA (ja- knee- uh) LOPEZ (14)

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ANDREA AND HER MOM WERE at the airport to go pick up her aunt and little cousin from Chicago. Her aunt had gotten a divorce with her husband and they're moving in with Andrea and her mom. Andrea hasn't seen her cousin Janea since she was little. So she was excited to see her cousin or little sister. Since they used to be really close when they were younger like they were sisters.

"Oh mom, I see them" Andrea darted down the airport to catch up to her aunt and cousin. "Andrea wait up!" Sabrina, Andrea's mom said.

Once Andrea was close enough to see their faces she ran up to them. "Hi Andrea!"
"Hi auntie(titi)" Andrea and Elena said as they exchanged hugs. "Hey Andrea!"

"Hey Janea. Omg look at you". She said giving Janea a hug. "I'm so glad to see you guys" Sabrina said as she caught up to the girls.

"Alright let's go sis, I can not stand being in this airport for another minute". Elena said as she started leading the way not even knowing where she's going.

When all the girls got back home, Andrea took Janea out for some ice cream so they could catch up a bit and show Janea some places that people her age usually hang out at

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When all the girls got back home, Andrea took Janea out for some ice cream so they could catch up a bit and show Janea some places that people her age usually hang out at.

"And this is the hot spot for kids your age"

"Really a skate park?" Janea said with a confused and weird look.

"Yep. Believe it or not, a lot of freshman's come here". Janea laughed.

"Why where do freshman's usually go in Chicago?"

"The mall" Janea said with a duh face

"Yeah a lot of people go to the mall. But mostly obnoxious teenage girls who just have to much money in the world"

"I'm pretty sure it's like that everywhere Andrea"

"Hey Andrea!"

"Hey Zoey."

"Who's this?"

"This is my cousin Janea, her and my aunt just moved her today from Chicago"

"Oh the Windy City, nice"

"Yeah they're gonna use the week to settle into our house and the town and then next Monday she'll start school"

"Cool maybe we'll have some of the same classes"

"How's your brother?"

"Sad cause you won't acknowledge him"

"He got other girls chasing after him. He definitely don't need me"

"Oh trust me he doesn't. He can't even be in a girl's presence without looking like a dumbass"

"Yeah that part I know."

"Well I gotta go. Nice meeting you Janea!"

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