x. A fourth grade film

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Amy threw her pencil which bounced off her notebook and on the floor. She couldn't figure out her stupid math homework. She sat up and sighed. She needed a break badly. Maybe she should go outside and just get some fresh air.

And that's what she did. She put her shoes on and left her house. She walked down the street and was immediately greeted by stores. She looked in the windows and window shopped.

She kept walking. She ended up finding a little bakery and went inside and got herself a cinnamon roll. She sat at a small table by the window, just looking outside.

She notices some familiar boys. Ruben and Stevie. She looks up and reads the sign of the store. MOTORS. She finished her cinnamon roll and left the bakery. She crossed the street over to Motors.

"Hey guys!" The two young boys looked at Amy and smiled. "Hey Amy!" Stevie said. "Wassup" Ruben then said and nodded. She looked inside the window and saw Ray behind the counter and fuckshit and fourth grade sitting on the couch.

She opened the door and walked inside. The dangly bell ringing which caught the three boy's attention. "Oh Amy. Wassup" Ray said. "Hi!" She said.

She looked around and observed everything in the shop. "This is really cool" she said looking at Ray. "Thanks" he said.

She walked over to the couch by the wall which is where fourth grade was sitting. And sat down next to him. "Hi!" She said as she sat down. He looked up from his camera and at Amy.

"Oh hi! I'm actually glad your here"

"Really, why?"

"I finished it. You know.. the little movie we made about a few weeks ago"

"Oh yeah that! Can I see it?"

"Yeah of course"

Amy got closer and leaned over fourth grade's shoulder as he played the video on his camera.

It was about a three minute long video. It was them at the skatepark when he taught her how to ride a skateboard and some videos that Amy took on fourth grades camera when they first met at Tina's party.

They were just laughing and messing around. Amy smiled. The video soon ended. "This is really good"

"Thank you. It's not completely finished. Just needs a little bit more editing".

"You should find jobs for being a director".

"I-I don't think I'm ready for that..."

"Why not? You're really good at it, and plus it'll be a great opportunity for you"

Fourth grade sat there and thought about it for a minute.

"Yeah I guess your right"

"And if you ever need help I'm always here for you!" Amy said smiling. Fourth grade giving her a soft smile back.

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