Part 4 - Third day

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Baek Yoona

Even though we have only known each other for a couple of days, I already feel at ease with Kim Soobin and Oh Jisung. At lunch I told them we will be going for tteokbokki after school and Choi Sooho would join us.

They didn't look too thrilled to hear that.

'Sooho is a great class-president, don't get me wrong,' Soobin said. 'But he keeps to himself outside of school hours and doesn't really hang out with us.'

'Yeah, he's always been a bit quiet,' Jisung added, 'So we don't know what we can chat with him about'.

'He's fine and it will be fine when we hang out later, you'll see', I assured them.

I was wrong. It's been a bit awkward since Sooho joined us outside the school gate and we walked to the tteokbokki place. I tried my best to keep the conversation going.

'Guys isn't the weather so nice, I feel like the blossoms are going to turn pretty soon', I said.

They murmured something.

'Imo, four tteokbokkis here and cola for us all,' I said to the shop owner after we sat down.

Soobin and Jisung quickly started arguing about the merits of a new manhwa they have both been reading.

That left me to chat with Sooho.

'Have you started training yet?', he asked me.

'No, from tomorrow. Today I sacrificed training for tteokbokki.'

When our food arrived I couldn't help but smile broadly at my new classmates. 'Having the first tteokbokki of the school year with one's mates is such a momentous occasion, don't you think?'.

'Yes,' they all agreed.

'Here's to many more rounds of tteokbokki with chingus in the future,' Jisung added. 'Especially as the world will end in a few months' time, we should make use of every opportunity to have tteokbokki with friends'.

We all shout at him to stop being so grim and conversation flows towards the school calendar. They told me about all the highlights to look out for in the upcoming year, annual drama, sports day, school trip, talent competitions, campus festivals.

'Wow that sounds like an amazing year of events. As seniors, would we even have time for all of those whilst preparing for the CSATs?', I asked.

'We should enjoy these events BECAUSE we are seniors! Think about it, our last year as high schoolers, next year we will be in university and have to worry about Real Life Things,' Jisung said. His face darkened at the thought of adulting. He really didn't seem the type who would handle responsibility well.

'Hey guys, my band is playing at a café this weekend. Want to come and see us? We could really use with the numbers.' Jisung asked us as we are about to leave the shop.

Jisung played the guitar, which if I am being honest I have to admit I found quite impressive. Perhaps his most impressive trait even!

'Yes,' Soobin and I said unison and then looked at Choi Sooho.

'Banjang, you can come too, right'? I asked him.

Choi Sooho

I was disappointed when I saw Yoona standing with Soobin and Jisung at the school gate. I was hoping it would be just the two of us. Things were a bit awkward first. Even though Soobin and Jisung have been in the same class as me for a couple of years, I didn't know them very well. I didn't know what to say to them.

Tteokbokki was a great icebreaker it turned out. And as we ate I found it easier to chat along to them. We gave Yoona a rundown of all the school events to look forward to and discussed who might be interested in taking part in which events. Yoona would take part in Sport Day activities. Soobin and Jisung have already to do a duet for the talent competition even though it's still months away. They asked me what activities I would take part in.

'I am not sure yet.'

I was unprepared for Yoona's question as we got ready to leave. Did I want to join them at the café where Jisung would be playing with his band? I wasn't sure. Did I want to see Jisung flex his guitar skills and impress the girls? No. But if I didn't attend I wouldn't know if he was indeed any degree of impressive.

'Er.....okay, I will join.' I said finally.

Today we didn't have to wait long for our bus. We sat on the same seats as yesterday.

'Appa will expect me to have a full dinner when I get home. I dare not tell him about tteokbokki adventure.' Yoona said. The sun's rays fell on the side of her face making her crinkle her eyes as she turned towards me.

Her knees knocked against mine. She didn't seem too bothered. I wanted to put my hand out and shield her face against the sun. But before I could do that she took a book out of her bag and used that as a visor.

'Banjang, do you have any siblings? I am an only child myself,' she said.

'Me too.' Well, that was technically true. Sort of. I didn't know her well enough to explain the complexities of my sibling situation so better to go with the straightforward answer.

I got off the same stop as her. 'I need to stop at the convenience store', I explained.

She walked with me to the store. 'My house is down that alley over there. It's the yellow house.'

'Wait'. I told her and went into the convenience store. I came out and handed her a banana milk. 'Thanks for the treat.'

'Gomawo, Banjang', she  waved her goodbye gladly sipping on the the banana milk.

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