Chapter 7: Mackenzie (Reaper) part 3

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(Mackenzie's motorcycle pulls up to his old school house)

I finally did it, I finally won, now it's time to get my wish.

(Mackenzie started up his motorcycle again and used a ramp to fly through a window and landed inside the school)

(Calypso was at her desk reading a magazine not bothering to look at what just happened)

Hell of an entrance. Still need me to hold your hand I see

Send me back so I can fix my problem calypso!

Mackenzie. Your wish is granted!

(With a snap of her fingers Mackenzie went back in time. But something felt off, he wasn't young, he wasn't at the playground, instead he was at the desert at his old biker clubhouse)

No no no, calypso you send me back at the wrong time

You weren't being specific

Step right up, step right up!

(Mackenzie turns around to see the same crazy person he told the president's girlfriend about. But before he could act)


(Mackenzie's body drop to the ground with a bullet wound on his forehead)

Mackenzie? I thought you were gonna fix your mistake

The sound of calypso chuckles can be heard as the screen fades to black

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