Chapter 31: Honey (meat wagon) part 3

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Call me doctor Lucy cause I just wasted those blockheads

(Honey's ambulance pulled up to her old school house)

And now it's time to claim my wish

(Honey walked inside to see calypso sitting behind her desk)

Ah, honey, you won my contest. I remember you always wanted to play doctor when you were little. Any way what can I do for you nurse beagle

(Honey's eye twitch of the name but quickly let it go)

I wish to become the best surgeon doctor in the world

Your wish is granted. Next patient

(A hospital bed roll into the room with someone laying on it. Honey eyes widen to see it was her former boss)

He's in need of a heart transplant. Go ahead and work your magic

(Honey walked up to the bed and stared at her boss dead in the eyes but when to work)

3 hours later

(Honey's boss was shaking her hand. He apologized for firing her and gave her a doctor position and walked out of the building)

(Calypso walked up next to honey with a smile on her face)

That was really generous of you to forgive and forget Dr.honey

Nah, he got 3

(Calypso raises an eyebrow while still smirking)

3 what?

(Honey then had a evil grin on her face)

3. 2. 1

(They both heard something heavy drop outside)

Never bite the hand that cures you

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