Chapter 40: Terriers (thumper) part 3

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Who run the world, terriers

(The terriers car pulled up to their old school house)

Now it's time to see our pops

(They walked inside to see calypso setting up some trophy cases (Mackenzie's skull mask, lucky's clown mask, Indy's flower pot, Rusty's army helmet, and jack's FBI badge. She turned and spoke to the boys)

Well well well, terriers, long time no see. Just so you know, just because there's 3 of you, doesn't mean you get 3 wishes. So what do you wish for?

We want to see our pops

Its been years since we saw him

We want to hang out with him

Your wish is granted

(She snapped her fingers and the screen cuts to black. It faded back to the front of the school with her exiting the building. She got into her car and start it up. The camera slowly pans under her rearview mirror to see the terriers heads were dangling like fuzzy dices. The camera quickly zooms back to see their dads head as well. Calypso looks at her rearview mirror and finally said)

I am calypso and I thank you for playing twisted metal

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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