Chapter 16: Rusty (warthog) part 3

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I won the contest

(Rusty's apc pulls up to his old school house)

And now it's time to get my wish. But a lot of questions keeps popping up in my head

How did she know my base blown up? How did she get my number?

How did she got inside in the first place?

(Rusty didn't go inside the school, instead he climbed a bunch of rocks and got into position with his sniper)

It was her all along

(Rusty sees calypso with her back turned through his scope it looks like she was talking to someone. But he doesn't care he wanted her)


(Rusty pulled the trigger and the bullet went through the window, but however calypso moved out of the way and another bullet was flying toward him)

(Rusty was laying dead with a bullet wound in his eye)

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