Chapter 10: Coco (Darkside) part 3

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(Coco semi truck pulls up at her old school house)

Let's see if Calypso can help me

(Coco enters the school to find calypso placing Mackenzie skull mask in a trophy case before turning to her)

Coco. is that you? What am I saying? I knew it was you with or without the mask your still the prettiest girl in my school

(After she said that coco looked at herself in a mirror. Ever since she had the mask on she never looked at a mirror. And what she saw was indeed a pretty doll face. But she still has a wish to make)

I wanna be famous

Your wish is granted

(With a snap of her fingers a bright flash appears on screen. It soon fades away to reveal a coco still wearing the mask as she was chillin in a jacuzzi in a suite with framed posters of herself as in movie, perfume, and etc.)

Anything to get my dream

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