Chapter 30: Honey (meat wagon) part 2

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That beast should put some medicine on that wound

Either that pentobarbital I took earlier is kicking in or the blast of that explosion knocked me out

I remember that day when I went to my friend bluey's house. We were playing doctor and I had a great time playing that game.

And ever since then I wanted to become a doctor when I grew up. But the only position open was being a nurse

One day, someone was in need of a heart surgery. No one was around but me, so I did the done thing

(Honey took this opportunity to perform the heart surgery and succeeded)

After that they called me into the office and fired me for doing someone else's job

I couldn't take it anymore, I lost it, I went berserk on all these fuckers

(Honey tore the whole hospital apart and escaped with her life)

Now that opportunity is knocking on my door. I can finally reach my goal

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