Chapter 22: Jack (roadkill) part 3

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I did it

(Jack's car pulled up to his old school house)

Let's see if calypso is a woman of her word

(Jack walk inside to find calypso sitting at her desk waiting on him)

Wow Jack, I'm impressed, the one who can't keep focus on anything managed to say focus on the battle field

I want to know who I am calypso

Your wish is granted

(Calypso snap her fingers and Jack started to have a major headache)

Everything is coming back to me now, my family, my friends, my life

I was a FBI agent and a damn good one. And I had one last job before retirement.

Take down calypso

(Jack reached for his gun and aimed it at calypso)

Any last words

Tell your friend rusty I said, Hello

(As soon Jack pulled the trigger, the camera was following the bullet real slowly. But however calypso moved out of the way for the bullet to go through a window she was standing in front of)

(And a another bullet was flying towards jack's head. Jack was now laying dead with a bullet wound on his forehead)

You boys and your government toys (she chuckled)

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