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Everything is perfect now. I'm okay. I groan and get out of my white queen bed. I go into the bathroom and turn on the lights, but quickly shut my eyes. "Ugh shoot" I say. That light is way too bright than it should be.

I open my eyes again and I see myself. I have brunette hair that goes atleast to by butt so it's pretty long, and hazel eyes and tan skin I guess you can say. I look outside my window and see white covered pure snow. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I put on some light makeup and that's eyeliner and mascara. I shut off my bathroom light and go to my closet.

"What to wear...what to wear" I mumble to myself. I decided I'd pick out a white tank-top and a black leather jacket, with dark blue skinny jeans and some black uggs. Which I adore. I walk down my wooden stairs and see my mom humming a song while making her some coffee.

"Morning sweetie" she says sweetly and kisses my cheek and I smile. "Morning ma"

"Did you get some good night rest?" "yes I did ma, yourself?"

"Oh honey I slept wonderful. Haven't slept like that in god knows how long" she chuckles as she sips her coffee. Her brown eyes lighting up everytime she talks with her brown hair tied into a bun. "I'm glad." I say and kiss her cheek. "Ma, I'm gonna go run somewhere, it won't take long. I love you bye" I say and kiss her cheek. "Where are you going?" "Store" I lied. "Oh alright honey. Bring back some more cookies!" She yells.

"I will ma!" I say and walk out our mansion. And into my white car.
No I wasn't going to the store. I was meeting someone. That no one knows about. We've been friends for a long time. And I think it's time we meet again. Since what happened last time. I can't ever forget. But I hate the memory. I don't even wanna think about it. I pull up to Starbucks and see him in the glass window sipping his venti coffee. I get out and meet him.

"Hey." I say and what happens next really scares me. I look up and I don't see him. I hear the door jingle and I look around to see a person. I see a man in all black walk in mad. He quickly walks to the booth and sits down heavy breathing.

"Can I help you." He harshly says towards me. Oh gosh I didn't know that I was looking.

"no sorry." I softly say. I look away from his black orbs and try to find him.

"You're friend isn't coming." He says
I look back and look at him. "Why not?" I say and walk towards him.

"Because he just isn't. Enough with the questions. Come with me" "I'm not going anywhere with you."
He stops and looks dead at me.

"Come. Now." He says slowly, I look down and look back up. "I said no." I say and turn back around and decide I order something.

"Hi what would you like today?"

"Hello, can I have a..uhh..-

"She won't be having anything, she's coming with me." As he says I feel him grab my arm and drag me out.
"What the heck do you think you're doing?!" I say as I try to break free.
"I said for you to come. But you didn't listen."

"Because I don't even know and I didn't want to go anywhere with you."
"Well too bad. Because you're friend is dead." He harshly says at my face.
But he couldn't be. He told me to meet him here 45minutes ago.

What's going on?

Only he knows. (JasonMccann)Where stories live. Discover now