Chapter 8- Redecorating

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Percy's P.O.V

When I woke up I found my three best friends and the Avengers plus Nick Fury looking down on me. At first I was confused of my surroundings then I remembered the events of yesterday. I sighed loudly out of my mouth which caused some of the people who aren't my three friends to raise some eyebrows that I just breathed underwater.

When I pushed myself and broke the surface I was met with the faces looking curious and amusement at me. "What's up?" I asked

"Father is..." Jason said. That's when us four just broke out into laughter then I said, "no, you got it wrong a drama queen." that made us laugh even harder.

We heard someone clear their throat and when we calmed enough down we looked at that said person who was Steve, "What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

" Inside Joke." I said getting out of the pool dry. The Avengers mouths opened as they saw that I was dry even when I was just in the pool. I smiled as asked, "So what's for breakfast?" my four friends snorted cause that would be the thing I would ask at the time like this.

"Ummm, we have pancakes upstairs." Clint said as he got out of his amazement. So far only Clint and Natasha have focused back to the real world. Fury never left, which was to bad honestly it would've looked funny, and we all started to walk to the elevator.

Well I say we put I ran to the elevator once I heard pancakes. When everyone got to the kitchen level us four raced out of the elevator and started to gather pancakes. We sat at the table and drowned the pancakes in syrup.

No one said anything about last night and I was happy about that. I mean my four friends knew but the Avengers didn't. After breakfast us four went down to a basketball level that was also part of the gym itself.

We got a basketball and started to play a 2 on 2 while Fury talked to the Avengers in private, no doubt talking about us, we could also just know that they were watching us play basketball.

I looked at my watch after a bit and noticed that it was time to train I whistled loudly to get their attention and said, "training time guys."

We all nodded and started to do push-ups fast for 30 minutes. Once that was down we did sit-ups for another 30 minutes. All the while we didn't sweat once.

I smiled at the long way we went from, "Archery." I commented. The others nodded and we all got out bows and arrows. I was the best out of all of us after I was blessed by the two archers.

We all got in front of the targets and when I said, "Fire" we all fired at the target. The others didn't always hit the bullseye except me, I split lots of arrows and instead went and help the others with Technic that I learned from being blessed by Athena and being blessed by the twin archers.

After Archery we went to the center maps for wrestling. We kept our shoes on because when in a fight you're not going to say, "Time-out let me take off my shoes and socks." we also went all out with punches and kicks. Only we kept dodging so none of us really got hurt.

Maybe a few bruises and sore muscles but that wasn't much. After wrestling we went to the rock wall on the side of the building and started to time ourselves, "I was the fastest, next was Jason, then Nico and Leo tied for last place. The last three were close in time while I mostly dominated them.

After doing the rock-wall we went to the pull they had and started to swim and hold out breaths. When we were down I dried everyone off with a flick of a hand and we just moved on to other exercises that last for the next two hours.

When we were all done we were tired and decided to take a nap. I saluted to the camera as we all started to go to the floor that had four bedrooms and in each bedroom its own bathroom.

Only we all decided to just sleep in one room and make the other rooms in our own way. But because we were all tired two of us took the bed while the other two crashed on the couch that was in one of the rooms.

The Avengers never talked about our training and most of the time we spent on our floor redecorating. Once out strength returned I used my water power to move all the beds into one of the four rooms. We also took labels that were on the doors and changed them to Bedroom, Office, Big-room, and then Kitchen.

We had a whole floor with all the necessary. For the Big-Room and Kitchen we took down the walls, quietly so the Avengers didn't know what we were doing and for the Office we changed the walls with leo's help to glass. All four sides of it too.

The office was made up of four computers and a round table in the middle of the room. The four computers each had one of our names on it. Mine was the closest to the door while Nico was beside me and Jason with Leo on the other side of the room. The computer desks and computers themselves were in the corner of the room. The door was between the two walls and it made it easier to see everyone.

The kitchen looked like your normal kitchen just with a handmade Fridge and Oven that Leo made with some help of Jason for electronics. The kitchen also had a small kitchen table with chairs so we could either eat there or the Big-Room.

The Big-Room was the second largest room on that floor, it had a giant tv screen with some couches and throw pillows. We had a small table in front of the couch so we could set drinks or food on it. We also put in an air hockey in the corner and left enough room so we could pass a football if we get bored.

The bedroom was bad smaller so we could put up a secret room with all our weapons in it. The bedroom itself contained four beds, one sky blue, one sea green, one flame orange, and one dark black. Each bed had a sheet on it with either a trident, skull, lighting, or a flame. The pillows had some sort of animal that was similar to the bed sheet, Pegasus, Eagle, Crow, and Phoenix.

(Hades and Hephaestus don't have animal symbols that I can see. The crow means death, dark witchcraft, and omen while the Phoenix is surrounded by fire and I thought it was a lot cooler than the actual animal symbol for fire, Lion, Tiger, or Lizard...So that's why I chose Crow and Phoenix.)

Our floor was just made for us 14 year olds and it was a lot of fun to be on and just hang out.

I hope you all are enjoying this series and I can't wait for June 16, It's my birthday! But I'm celebrating it on Saturday or Sunday with paintball with family and my best friend Audrey. Might update tomorrow don't know but I AM FINISHED WITH SCHOOL, for this year until August 26 then I'm in 9th grade. Enjoy your summer everyone and spend it with family.

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