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Our company love the idea Mr.Ben and we would like to inform you that we are ready to sign the contract with your company that will help you to expand your business overseas and us to get more profit. (The translator translated it in Thai through the screen)

The meeting was being held online,so the board members eyes present in the meeting room were all focused on the screen.After hearing what the person has said all of the board members eyes fill up with happiness, specially The CEO of The Sumettikul Groups and Son.

We are very grateful for it Mr.Sam and thank you so much for providing us this opportunity.You don't know how much it will increases the share values of our company in share market.(Ben speak in English).

Good to hear that Mr.Ben but we do have one condition regarding the contract.

Ben got little bit tense but there is bible and his brother Jonathan who seems much more relaxed in contrast to their Dad.

What's that Mr.Sam?Ben asked stuttering his word.

Your Son Bible has to marry with someone for that contract to be sign on.

What? The son and the father shout at the same time.

Mr. Ben, as you know the collaboration is about the business related to Jewelry. And What could be better opportunity for promotion of exclusively manufactured New rings than marriage? I have heard that your second heir is quite popular in Thailand and unmarried also. I don't think we will get better audience for the promotion better than live wedding where the bride groom will exchange the ring.

No Bible said in the middle of the sentence before Mr. Sam can complete it. It's my life and I don't want to marry at all.

Biben, Ben glare at him.

Jonathan put his hand on bible thigh to calm him down, giving him a kind of reassurance. After that bible didn't speak any word.

Ummm.. I know Mr. Ben it's so quick for you and your son but you know Our company work is all about profit. We have done our deep research about your company. That's why we agree to collaborate with you. Think about it Mr. Ben, your son marriage will create hype in thai netizen. Your son isn't less than any celebrity. It will be huge benefit for your company if you are ready for this condition. We will sign the contract on the day of marriage only if you agree.We will give you the time of one month to re-think about it. For now we are done with the meeting Mr. Ben. We will talk later if you do agree with our terms and condition. Have a good day Mr.Ben.

The screen get turn off afterward

"Pa.. that's impossible, I will never agree about it" bible said in little bit frustrated tone.

Present Board Member, You are dismissed for now. I want to talk with Bible in alone. We will discuss this matter in tomorrow meeting.

The board member just nod and left the Meeting room.

Ble you know how our staff has been working so hard to sign the deal with them. You know it will benefit us a lot. I'm your father ble, I also have dream that I will organize your wedding according to your wish in your dream destination but in traditional Thai style. Your ma has been waiting for that day but I have never think about it will be happened like this. I might sound bad right now but ble you know This project is important for our company to be recognized globally. So for the business project, can you do this for your father? I know you aren't seeing anyone right now. This marriage will be totally out of love and for business purpose only. After the marriage if you didn't progress with your partner than we can file the case for annulment. They didn't say about we can't file for the divorce, so I think You should agree with it.

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