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Build was lost in his thoughts ( moreover thinking about the incident that had happened yesterday) in his office room.

Billy came with the mug of coffee in her hand and saw build being out of his form.

"Are you okay?" She asked placing the mug of coffee in the table.

But build doesn't answer her back.

She then shook him grabbing his shoulder to snap him out from whatever he was thinking.


"Are you okay? Where you have been lost?" She asked with worried laced in her tone.

Build bites on his lower lip contemplating either to tell her about yesterday thing with bible or not and opt to go for later one.

Uhh! Nothing build answer with the not so convincing smile.

Billy raise her brows demanding him to tell the truth.

It's nothing serious billy build tried to shrugged it off.

Ummm, Should I make a call In the Summetikul Group? She said raising her brows

Why? Build jumped up from his seat with this sudden question Poppin out of billy mouth.

"Well, it seems like your in law are feeding you something wrong that's why you are zoning out in your office  or should I make a call to your husband whom you are thinking of right now" billy said with a teasing tone.

What? Build immediately ran towards Billy clasping both of their hand together so that she won't be able to make any call.

"Billy I said it's nothing" he said sighing.

Billy face turn into frown" Tell me the truth then"

It's nothing build said looking away from Billy.

Biu (she hold on biu chin to make him look face to face with her)  if anything is eating you then you can tell me biu. You know I won't judge you. But if you are feeling any discomfort that's why you don't want to tell me then,
(She looked at build with a expecting eyes) you should definitely tell me(she raised her tone)   I'm not letting that thought to eat your brain all day biu. Now just tell me, Is it related with bible?

Biu just nod.

Okay, so you are having some conflict with your husband right now.

Build shook his head.

Did you two fight?

Build shook his head again with a pout.

"Did he force himself on you?" This time little anger could be felt in her word but some how she control it.

Build again shook his head this time as fast as he can.

Billy sigh? Then what did he did biu to make your mood goes like this.

Build again biting on his lower lips" How do I make you understand, it's little complicated"

Complicated? Billy squint her eyes

Ummm, can you answer me first?

Rubbing on her nape she replied with okay.

Uhh, how do you feel when phi Sat (billy husband) touch you, I mean not in the bad way but not in the friendly way too, I mean you don't hate that touch but you felt something in your heart. Oh god! What I'm even saying I mean not bad touch not that type of touch I mean when he touch... Touch your bare waist.......

Biu biu.. billy makes biu sit on his chair again. Take a deep breathe biu. I got it what you are asking for no need to explicit.

She placed her hand on biu cheeks caressing giving the motherly warmth.

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