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As the deal, the contract is signed after the ring got exchanged between the groom. The live wedding Videotape of Bible and build got more than 50 million view in just one hour making it the most watched online video in Thailand. The share holder of both Company were very happy with that decision.

Bidding farewell to the guest after the marriage, Sumettikul Family member also leave the wedding venue and manuvaured towards their mansion.

Sumettikul Mansions

Bible ma performed some welcoming ceremony for new member in the Sumettikul

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Bible ma performed some welcoming ceremony for new member in the Sumettikul. Chanting some mantras on the main entrance Infront of the couple. Tho the marriage is in Catholic type but certain thing are from the roots that need to be obeyed. Bible seems tired of such thing but didn't said anything cause his mother is the one doing that where build seems to be devastated. Just in two three hour his life take a  complete turn of 180. He didn't said anything, he just keep looking far afar in Daze.He is spaced out.

Sia smile at the couple standing infront of her.

Now you two should take a rest. It's a lot for you today specially for biu ( she said caressing build cheeks). However, build flinches little as he is in trance.

UHHHH, Sorry aunty I didn't mean to, Build tried to reason out for his behavior.

Sia just gives him smile and again place her palm on build cheeks. From now on you can call me Ma, You just married to my son. I know this isn't the thing you want son but Thank you so much for saving our family reputation. Our family will be always indebted towards you.Nevertheless, For now, you should take a rest

Bible already left without waiting for build.

Sia just sigh, The arrogant son of mine. I would like to apologize from his side. Though you have know his room location but it's kind of tradition for groom mother to bring the bride to her Husband room. I Know the relationship between you two has changed in just two hour. But I have a faith that you two will grow loving each other in the Future. For now let's go. Forwarding her hand for build to hold.

Build unwillingly put his hand on her and they started to walk towards bible room.

Aunty you know, it won't happen. I have never seen Biben in that way apart from being best Friend. Build sound not happy at all and being tired from all this chaos.

Sia caress his hand. I said you can call me ma.

Changing the formalities won't change my destination Aunty. I know after six month I and bible will be living apart. So I don't think it is necessary for that.

She dryly smile towards him.

And I said I have a believe that you two will gonna stay forever. So, what if you two didn't made out in the future, you can still call me Ma. I will be there for you whenever you need. Now you should just take a rest . It's long day for everyone. We will discuss the thing later. From now on you are one of the part of Summetikul Family member baby. Tomorrow is your first day in the summetikul mansion as Bible husband. So there are some tradition to be done by newly wedded Groom. I will make you understand that tomorrow. I don't mind if you sleep up to 10 Am or 1:00 PM other day but for tomorrow can it be shorten up to 8:00 AM. I Mean newly wedded groom has to prepared some sweet dishes for in-law and need to serve them with your one hand Just to strengthen the bond with other family member. Ok it's enough, I'm already pressurizing my Son-in- law. I will leave it for now.

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