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The first couple of months was easy for Ben just like he expected he accquainted good friends marcelo who earned the honor of being his best friend got him out of his shy faze by bringing him to party's though he got scolded everytime but it helped

Benjamin was deep in his studies

°Benjamin Knowles°

"hey kiddo" Henry dropped on the chair next to me

"Um your in the library your not lost are you?" I was surprised to say the least

"Came to do some research on the renaissance era"

"What do you know so far?"

"Well it was a period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic rebirth following the middle ages taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century"

"instead of that long time frame just say Ancient Rome in 476 A.D? It did begin in Italy florence if you need to be specific"

"I see you Knowles I didn't know you were into history"

"It's more so my ancestors history"

"I never got to ask your last name which parent is it?"

"Sadly this isn't gonna help you with your work"

"Marc said you would be reserved I get it not many people have your last name" I looked at him sideways "I get it I won't say anything to anyone but I admire talent and your mom helped me find myself"

"That's good to hear Henry can I finish up my work now? in silence?" I really thought marcelo would've held it a bit longer

"Yeah sorry" he smile pulling the large book closer to him

I managed to get my work done and helped him find some answers out of the textbook for his

Time we got tired it was going on 5 in the afternoon so we called it quits

"Thanks for the help I'd be sure to help you out when you need me" I just nodded leaving the library with him we went our separate ways

I heading to the garden it seemed to become my favorite part about this place

But today we had extra guest I frowned upon the sight but continue to get closer considering we had class at a different hours today I thought we would have time alone

"Ben" she smiled at me "this is gabriel" she stood in my line of view blocking the boy that was seated where we usually sit at it wasn't helping

Seeing she didn't have my attention she pulled on my shirt

"We're just finishing up something"

"I'll come back after" I don't know what I was feeling but so many things we're running through my head

"You don't have to it'll just take 3 minutes"

"I don't want to intrude"

"Your not please don't go it'll be quick"

Against my better judgement I agree to wait for them to finish up and of course I'm no expert but I know what flirting looked like he was bold,bold way more mature than I am of course

He was one of her suitors there was so many of them I couldn't keep up

I couldn't compete with Hashem either but he made it known that when I do find out my intentions he would lay off

I had yet to discover what it was about her that made me want to be around her

Maybe it was just the energy around her that was captivating

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