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~Leonor Borbón Ortiz~

"Llámalo de nuevo por favor" (Call him again please)

"Su alteza debemos irnos ahora" (Your highness we must leave now)

"Cinco minutos Ariel"

"Su alteza el rey pidió que vinieras ahora" (His highness the king asked that you come now)


We were attending workshop with the members and past winners of the princess girona foundation awards in Barcelona Benjamin was supposed to join us but as you can tell he's not taking my calls

"What's with the face leoló?"

"I'm fine where's papá"

"They left already let's go" my sister rush us down the step into the car

The ride to the museum I kept checking for any sign of Ben he knows how much this annoys me but did he stop going M.I.A?, no this just threw my whole mood off

I haven't seen him all of June and the day he tells me he'll join us he doesn't pickup the phone

"Hermana necesitas relajarte" (Sister you need to relax)

"Benjamín me está cabreando" (Benjamin is pissing me off)

"Your not that excited to see him"

"He promised Sofia"

When we got to the location my parents were already waiting for us

I pouted not seeing him there either

"Papá, ¿podemos esperar un poco?" (Can we wait a little?)

"Estamos en un horario lo siento Leo" (we're on a schedule sorry)

I didn't want to but I understood my responsibility I couldn't let it bother me but it did

Everyone had greeted us outside of the museum we took pictures before going inside

"It's just you and Sofia we will join in a bit" dad said

My sister and I made our way out to the garden sitting with the everyone else in a circle

Promise I was paying attention until mama pushed flowers in front of me

She only smile and the empty seat next to me was now occupied by my boyfriend

"Smile princess people are watching" he voice lowly

"Where were you"

"Here waiting Papa said you were being stubborn about leaving"

"I was not" the meeting finished up fairly fast leaving the king and queen to conversate with everyone Leonor and I took a walk

"Wearing heels and your still tiny compared to me"

"You got a few inches up Bambi don't be to full of yourself"

"Marcelo and the other's are in town they want to hangout tomorrow, I can't hang around to long grandpa has a campaign going on"

"I have to write my speech tomorrow"

"Will you be able to come with me it's my first time attending as his grandson and people look at me weirdly"

"I would love to but I'm booked"

"I figured you would say that so I spoke to papa first you have the choice"

"I still have to get my speech done"

"I can help you on the jet and grandma has been antsy about see you again since the topic was brought up"

"What about Sofia"

"You know no one gets left behind she's all for taking a break but it's up to you"

"Okay I guess I'm coming to America"

"Great cause everyone is in town for July 4th"


"Dad's side of the family"

"Benjamin Borkan Knowles"

"Abuelo will be there he likes you so would the other's it's plus your my future wife right? I got you"

"Next time just tell me your bringing flowers" I smiled

"That could have been anyone"

"But it wasn't so thank you"

~Benjamin Knowles~

"your my girlfriend for real" I don't think she realizes that I'm only in Spain for her I don't have anyone here

"Hey you two it's time to leave" Sofia called

"Are you going to duck out to?"

"I'm a gentleman of course not, I'm leaving with you what kind of man do you think I am"

"a 18 year old thats full of himself"

"how could I not when my prized possession is you" I camouflaged next to the king a few feet away from Leonor we weren't to sure on the public knowing about us yet

and hoped that our parents respected our wishes to keep it to themselves

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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